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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. When is the last time we’ve seen an older QB lose appreciable playing time due to injury???? That stuff never happens! Father time is a wussy.
  2. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  3. Dear Football Gods, Can Brady please be next? Thank you
  4. McD seems to come from the make “Rookies earn it” school. This is important for his view of team chemistry. I would love to see Singletary get more touches as well as a few for Yeldon. I think there is also a desire to get the O line into the swing of power running which suits Gore. If we have a top third of the league ability, in that area, later in the season these games will have paid their dividends.
  5. Against a dysfunctional looking Steelers team and the worst team in at NFL. Let them play us( I am not expecting a win) and the Chiefs and we’ll see who they are.
  6. It’s a work in progress that is light years ahead of last years dreck. To the naysayers, as with the rest of the team, give it Time. They are a brand new group learning on the job.
  7. I looked at my wife and said, “ They’ll adjust. “ And they did. This is the first “ Special “ team we’ve had since the Kelly era. We’ve either had Defense or Offense but never both at the same time. We still need some more skill position players on O but this team is built to make the playoffs, year in and year out, excepting injuries. I’d also like to point out that 2 of our division rivals suck ( not guaranteed wins but close) . NE and KC look like the two better teams in our conference. We can beat every other team. Not saying we will but Cinci, Tenn, Cle, Den, Balt and Pitt are not terrifying. I hope be 3-1 at the quarter , 4-1 at the bye. IF we get there , sky’s the limit?
  8. Have to say, watching KC highlights makes me jealous. They have an embarrassment of receiving riches . Have to think we get some even better receivers next year. And another back.
  9. The year I didn’t get the ticket and they called me up the morning of the first loss and talked me into it for $150 or something ...... Effing season?
  10. From one Buffalo Boy to another, Happy Birthday. Its my birthday today too. Big 50? Last time we had one on a game day EJ led us on a game winning drive to beat the Panthers. We have clearly turned a corner as an organization ?
  11. When you are in an NFL game and the ball goes equidistantly between your hands and you didn’t even break stride.... Yeah, that’s not on the QB.
  12. I frame by framed it and it looked like it hit him in the hands on a well covered play that was thrown where only Zay could catch it. But, it was a bad angle from far away and I guess they didn’t have a better angle for a replay. Which begs the question: Why didn't they have more cameras on the play into the EZ? And, why do they not ALWAYS have a camera trained on the EZ line during kickoffs?
  13. Over 70 comes when you constantly dump the ball off on short slants and check downs. I only want to see that if we are up by 30?
  14. I really appreciated watching him give up on plays and throw it away or into the ground. He didn’t make a single egregious decision that I saw. I still don’t like the diving head. first on runs but he slid feet first at least once so that shows progress. The amount of growth we are seeing from this KID is so heartening.
  15. Young team showing real promise. Still a work in progress but I’m feeling great about 2 road wins to start. 11-5 is still my prediction.
  16. If the opponent makes half time adjustments the Bills coordinators don’t know what they are till the third quarter
  17. Halftime adjustments by an NFL teams Defense. It happens.
  18. We are starting this season with 2 road wins. Strong!!!! This is going according plan and it seems like we are staring at a special season and a fortune turn around. Finally?????
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