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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Pretty sure he’s from the Twenty First Century
  2. Eff the concerns. We, as a fan base , have been waiting for this chance for DECADES. One game at a time, no one is taking us seriously which is just where we want em. My biggest wish: Beat NE and win the East. Still on the table? Second biggest wish: Whoop that Cowboy Arse and make a whole bunch of people eat Crow and not Turkey. Third: Destroy Pittsburgh
  3. Get a young D end who can pressure the QB and stop the run and Wallace starts looking like an all pro ?
  4. I called my shot on this before the season. I work with 7 Cheeseboy fans. We are going to whoop dat ^$$!!!!!
  5. I’ve watched a beast of a Human being , Cam Newton, have his career ended half a decade early by being used as an integral part of the Panther’s Run offense for years behind lacking O lines. Shula loved the Option and Cam got the snot beaten out of him repeatedly in the process. So, sure, it can be effective and using it as a ruse to freeze LBs and Safeties is awesome. JA actually keeping the ball on a regular basis and taking the hits is not something I want to see. I want him running in the open and learning to almost ALWAYS slide before taking any hits.
  6. Which is what I said by qualifying it with the “ Rational mind” statement.
  7. Me thinks someone has never watched the two QBs I’m comparing, not understanding what they are seeing in real time and pulling the trigger On time. The difference is JP never got it and we are seeing JA starting to get it. Having said that, the middle part of this season was tough to watch.
  8. The way he stands back there, not pulling the trigger. He looks EXACTLY like Losman?
  9. My emotional mind tells me he’s Losman 2.0 without the deep ball, standing back there over processing and over thinking. My rational mind sees the progress. A thousand times better in the short game. Throwing it away when there is nothing there. Watching Wentz against NE, I saw similar play. His throws are in accurate to the high side. I don’t like the designed runs where the o line is bunched in tight with TEs. I HATE the read option, it will get him killed. He is best when the safeties are deep and there is room to run: Four or Five wides.
  10. He’s approximately 10% higher in his completions? His short game is much better than last year. I agree that he is not a naturally accurate passer but he is clearly better than last year.
  11. I’ve watched enough BB games that I can quickly tell/ get a feeling if it’s our day or not. From the first quarter on I knew it was our game. It’s been a tough but gratifying season to watch this team give glimpses of the future. We aren’t there yet in many facets ( players, special teams coach) but we are on the right track. We are not going to be an easy out in the Playoffs.
  12. This morning on Clt sports radio: Fire Rivera, Hurney, start Will Grier and Blow the whole thing up????
  13. We’ve only lost one game we weren’t supposed to. Hopefully we pick up one we don’t expect to win.
  14. Sorry, but beating a 2-6 team should be a given. That we are dogs is pathetic and the idea that it would be a big win is equally pathetic.
  15. Good luck for us. I really want to beat the snot out of the Browns! The sad thing is it’s a lose/ lose for us, status wise. We win, they suck and we were suppose to beat them. We lose, we suck?
  16. Since the beginning of the season we have watched him grow. The short throw accuracy is improved through mechanics and not putting too much zip( thought he still has some work to do on the zip) The hero ball and decision making are where i see the most improvement. He’s throwing the ball away in situations that he would force last year and earlier this year. By my count it’s three games in a row where he hasn’t done something completely boneheaded . The O as a whole is still very much a work in progress.
  17. Before this season, the last time I Billieved we would pick up 3 rd and longs was Bledsoe’s first year with us. We are not a great team yet. OK. Fine. But we don’t suck either and there are more than a few positives that bode well for the future. Watching a large chunk of this board continually piss and most about this team is tiresome. Let everyone else underestimate us but don’t partake in it ourselves by offering them excuses. The Pats and 49 ers have played an easy schedule. Do you think they are complaining. The point is to get to the Playoffs and then “ Any given Sunday” takes on a whole new meaning. I for one am enjoying the heck out of this season like no other for the first time in Decades.
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