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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Agreed! But unless we are playing Dallas , Beasely is good for one drive killing drop,Same for Knox . This offense needs one more year and an infusion of receiver and o line upgrades and a bruising back to compliment Singletary. I truly believe Beane will get most of that done?
  2. No!!!! But, I realistically don’t expect to beat KC or Baltimore. Could we? Yes Would I wager it? Nope
  3. I really like him, so far BUT...... We need at least one playoff win this year and a good second game where we lose because they are the better team talent wise. Then you can start talking about being in the top third of the league.
  4. An absolute Blessing that he became the receiver he has on this team, this year.
  5. I hate all those bad teams we beat. I feel like we don’t deserve it. Also, Daboll, McBeane , Frazier, the ball boys......None of them have a clue!!!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. OK , ALL you Whiney Arse doubters????? Now what ya got?????? Playoffs with a complete rebuilt O!!!!! PLAYOFFS BABY!!!!!!!
  7. Two “ errant throws” when itsDuck boy College dissertation when Josh misses one.
  8. I wish Josh Allen could throw a ball at Collinsworth’s mouth from three yards away
  9. They’re keepin this old man up LATE.....Win this game and make me smile an exhausted , delirious “We’re going to the PLAYOFFS “ smile tomorrow!!!!!
  10. Didn’t want to bring that up but Yes. That still hurts?
  11. I asked this in another thread. WHY don’t we block the outside gunners when we are receiving a punt???? The other teams outside guys are given a free release to the inside. It has to be by design because our guys don’t even try to engage them or bracket them to the outside. Every single punt Roberts is back there catching it with both outside coverage guys on him as he signals the fair catch. WTF???? Anybody???? Thoughts???? This is every game, all season long
  12. I guess hitting Beasely and Knox with perfect passes on third down to have them be dropped was on Josh. Two drives ended right there or did I miss something. We need receivers to go up and get the ball, with their hands. He drops the easy stuff and then makes a one armed circus grab. Efffing infuriating?
  13. What drives me nuts is that the gunners NEVER jam the coverage guys and always give them a free release to the inside on punts. It is by design and I can’t figure it out for the life of me. Are they trying to create sideline openings??? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F¥}£????
  14. Thought the same. They are learning to win also. The game seemed a little too big for them at times . That includes Josh, Beasely ( still don’t love him), Effing Knox with another key drop on an easy ball like Beasely.
  15. Who Hoo. LJ second QB to rush over a 1000 yards. How many SBs did Vick win????
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