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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. This is his year. Next year the league catches up to this O
  2. Because it’s ALWAYS the QBs fault!!!! 3 and 18???? effing Josh Allen!!!!
  3. We can have a defense that good with another good draft or two.
  4. I can’t remember the last time I heard him. I didn’t think he even announced any longer.
  5. Tanny is an example of a QB who took some time to figure it out. Also, If SF can win with JG we are good with Josh.
  6. Amazing how you can score when your receiver receives?
  7. Today, it’s finally hitting me our season is over? I hate it!!!!!!
  8. He is their best receiver. This year was a breakout year for him. I would be shocked if they trade him UNLESS they are completely blowing up the team. Rhule has seven years . Tepper said something to effect of, If we are bad for five years followed by 20 years of sustained success will anyone be mad? None has any idea which way this team is going next year. IF they did blow it up Moore is kind of a possession type, not and outside burner.
  9. I’m gonna be on him like stink on a pig Monday!!!! Every once in a while, when Mac and Bone give Preppy to much crap about the Bills I call up pretending to talk about whatever other topic they are discussing and then hit ‘em with the “ Let’s Go Buffalo” Till they blow me up. I got my Buffalo Boy name on Mac’s afternoon show about 15 years ago?
  10. I listened to coverage all day yesterday. Charlotteans are not unanimously sold on this guy by any means. A bunch wanted McDaniels , a bunch wanted Bieniemy. I felt like I was listening to a High School Pep rally on the radio. Still not the least bit sure of what I think about Tepper as an owner. In a radio interview Rhule said he was going to bring in an NFL veteran coaching presence to bend his ear and speak “ Truth to power”. Rhule stated he had been contacted by a bunch of NFL guys seeking a job. His father was a preacher.
  11. 11-5. We will get another back who compliments Singletary. We will get two new pass catchers, including a bonafide number 1. Daboll/McD will self scout the heck out of the Offensive play calling and get rid of some of the more glaring mis-calls. JA will hit the long ball 33% better which will be a huge improvement. The D will get 10 more takeaways over the course of the season. We will win the AFC east. We will be in the AFC championship game.
  12. Not following the rules as written is getting “ it right”? It’s the rule!!!!! ZERO grey area. Players do stupid, inexplicable stuff and their team pays for it.
  13. They won’t change a thing. They will say it was a missed call, so sorry, move on?
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