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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. So the O-line gets a pass? Knox can drop a quarter of his catchable targets again? Receivers can run sloppy routes and not be on the same page with JA? Rookie RB doesn’t need to worry about Pass Pro/ blitz pickup? It takes 11 guys , ALL on the same page. Ten of them get it right but Josh gets blown up because of a missed block ( or three like the QB Sweep in the playoffs), it’s on Josh? JA hits Knox on a perfect seam pass for a first down in a big game and Knox drops it, It’s on Josh? ?
  2. We were second on the league, behind Miami, in dropped passes! While Josh has to get the ball out faster AND hit the long ball better, it is most definitely not “ All on Josh Allen.”
  3. 2006 into early 2007 The whole “ Marv will save us as GM” crap and him picking Dick Jerkron over Mike Sherman to start. I knew he was a bum and we were going to suck..... and we did. In 2007 I got the Sunday Ticket against my better judgement and we had a horrible start. We got crushed by Pittsburg and DESTROYED by NE. The next week was Dallas on Monday night with the ? tease then brutal ending . I didn’t watch another Bills game till he was fired. Low point for me?
  4. The NFL is all about that ?. This country as a whole will be starving for diversion by September. I can see them doing limited fans at first, 25%,50%??? If it comes off well they will increase fans if feasible. The only wildcard is the players but they want that money as well , so with testing, I think they are in. I would expect the camera crews and such would be limited. COME ON FOOTBALL???
  5. During the 88 preseason, the O-line was considered a major weakness and there was a lot of trepidation going in. Then Thurman came in and just killed it and suddenly it was a strength. Having a legit number one receiver and a legit one two punch at RB is going to immediately make the line better. Josh won’t have to hold it as long simply due to Diggs being on the field. Daboll and Allen need to take steps forward and I think they will. Daboll had to reign Allen in early last season. He shouldn’t have to as much, if at all, this year. Man, I cant wait to see them play??
  6. Love, Love, Loved watching that Ted Cottrell Defense. That was how I started to feel under Schwartz . Solid, no gimmick, punch you in the mouth D.
  7. Talley. He wasn’t the national star like so many others on those teams. But, he was 100% as important as the stars were. There have been others over the years who were like that. Most recently Freddie Jackson. You just can’t help but love them as fans.
  8. Third best. KC and Baltimore are not invincible either. It feels good to finally be in this position. Let’s see how they handle it. What teams look like now verses who they are when we play them is the question. This is a ten win team.... again.
  9. Not sure if he’s the answer but we have to be able to do better than Ba-Joke-uez.
  10. I’m in!!! Steve Christie was the man. I said in the draft grade thread that Bass becoming the long term answer was the pick to kick this years class into the A+ range. My question: How does a southern kicker handle The Ralph’s weather?
  11. As Giselle said, “ He can’t catch the passes too!” If our receivers and TEs has dropped half as many balls, including HUGE drive ending drops against NE and Baltimore and Texan’s in the Playoffs, JA’s numbers are looking a little better to the Stat Quoting doubters.
  12. So you’re the one who’s been crapping in the cornflakes? Stop it!
  13. I’ve been thinking the same thing. With the addition of a bruising RB, I specifically would like to see less QB designed runs by Josh. Also, we have bonafide weapons which should hopefully require fewer Jet sweeps. There was a thread about the lack of screen game. We have multiple players who would be great catching screens. This is such an important phase of the game we just don’t use but need to. Our O line has another year under its belt. Both, in terms of pulling these off and helping negate pass rush. Couple that with Josh reading/ recognizing/ pulling the trigger faster. When you play screen and quick ball out against each other our O line has an easier day. Throw in the QB runs ( not designed) and deep threat ability and this O has the potential to take a huge step forward. Synergy!!!
  14. Sometimes, when I have time to get to work and I get behind a slow driver; instead of passing them , I chill out and practice my patience. I don’t do this often ? This is how Beane seemed to me this draft. It was like he decided ahead of time he was just going to spend a whole draft seeing what came to him and filling needs without stressing too much. I feel like Fromm was the only BPA where Beane felt compelled to take the pick . It remains to be seen who we actually got. If any of them actually flash, this draft gets up into the A range. If they ( DE, RB, WR) are just all decent starters then it’s a B-/C+. It the former happens AND the kicker works out and is with us for years....A+
  15. Drive killing drops were huge last year. We all watched the playoffs and saw all these other teams receivers catching “ bad passes” consistently. Getting Josh to the point he trusts his receivers is a huge step forward. He started to throw more 50/50 balls last year. It would be nice to see us win those finally. To me Knox AND Beasely have to be more consistent catching . They are starters and starters can’t drop balls as much as they did. It will be nice if one of these rookies comes in and legit competes for playing time AND produces when he gets it....... been a LONG time since we’ve seen that.
  16. THIS!!! Please stop with the “ He’s gonna push Josh” talk. He has Peterman’s arm. He could be a good back up. This is what we need to hope for.
  17. Hot Bleeeeeep I thought they might do this. The value was there.
  18. Kinda like a Singletary at 74 pick? Trust these guys to work their magic.
  19. We definitely need to get up in the top of the third. There is value here.
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