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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. How about we send LJ back in time to the era when QBs actually got hit .... hard..... a lot. Then, and only then can you make a fair comparison. Good thing he’s playing in an era when if you sneeze on a QB, it’s fifteen yards. You sneeze a second time and you’re out of the game. Same thing for hitting receivers.
  2. flash in the pan phrase of flash a thing or person whose sudden but brief success is not repeated or repeatable. Maybe he goes on to have an amazing career. But it will take ten years minimum before we know. Bledsoe didn’t miss a ton of games.... running around like a chicken with its head cut off is not a recipe for a long NFL career.
  3. Bledsoe has a much stronger arm than LJ. One of the reasons I’m high on Josh. When LJ gets to a Super Bowl we can talk. Love me some cannon armed, prototypical pocket passing QBs.
  4. Still not buying LJ. Watching him suck throwing outside the hash marks in the Titan’s game , I feel like last year was his flash in the pan year. Not just because of him, either. It seemed like a Magic year for the Ravens which I’m not sure they repeat.
  5. I HATE,HATE,HATE to throw the Cheatriots any props but Bledsoe and Brady should fit your description.
  6. Josh wouldn’t knock over a guy in his seventies. He just doesn’t strike me as that kind of douche.
  7. Not to go on too much of a tangent but this is another sign , imo, that Daboll and the O need to have a breakout season. I just have the suspicion that a “ Guru” type OC and the kind of staff one would assemble might be part of the semi-near future.
  8. Been thinking this exact same thing since the moment the play happened. I’ve also been cringing/ angry every time I’ve heard JA get mocked for doing this in a playoff game. Dude was trying to win! I’m still miffed and the lack of help he got on some of those plays in the second half. Also, I don’t think that is the last of the laterals we see from this kid. Done correctly with a back or receiver ( Or Knox?) who are aware of the possibility of it happening ..... Could be Gold.
  9. You could say this about a few guys. If Knox, Singletary or Moss have a major breakout year and Diggs is Diggs.....?
  10. While I ABSOLUTELY love everything this post is about, getting the ball into Singletary and Moss’ hands on the short play should be a larger part of his game this year. When he has other playmakers he needs to learn to trust them. It also has the effect of causing opposing Defenses to have to honor the short play which eventually opens up the Intermediate and deep stuff.
  11. Bleacher Report induced discussion ??? Real Football can’t get here soon enough? If the O line comes around ( continuity) , Knox discovers the ability to catch the easy passes and JA hits the long ball 50% better than last year the Bleacher Report will have us Top 5 next year at this time( barring draft upgrades.)
  12. He is clearly a leader and not a Boss. The problem with dominating those under you is, in the end. All you have is followers. Daboll understands that the “ team” has to create its own leadership.
  13. Not being naive or homer-ish but this team doesn’t show any signs of player vs coach strife. The Bills seem like a “ team” in the sense of the SuperBowl era where everyone is on the same page. My original question wasn’t suggesting anything more than a “ check in” between Webb and Roman and/ or a position coach or two. A quick chat without a bunch of specificity. I would be Shocked if anyone at these workouts narced out a coach. I can clearly imagine Allen or Webb reminding everyone to keep it on the down low if any coach input was discussed.
  14. Never underestimate the stupidity of “ smart” people.
  15. I wonder how much the coaching staff was actually in on this.
  16. CRAP!!!! We aren’t losing to the Raiders, Titans, Seahawks or Stillers!!!! We will be in the AFC Championship game at a bare minimum!!!! SHOT CALLED?
  17. It’s a Godsend seeing rookies running bad routes? Can’t wait for the coaches and Diggs, Brown and Allen to get in their ears and get some of that cleaned up.
  18. How bout we talk about drafting receivers who actually catch the ball with their hands.....naturally and effortlessly ? The routes need some work but routes don’t catch the ball.... hands do.
  19. I think it depends on what you define “ regression “ as. I think Brown could even be more dangerous with Diggs around. Maybe fewer yards and receptions but more TDs as he becomes the more open option, especially in the Redzone.
  20. THIS!!!! All Day!!!! For all the talk of the long ball, which is important, having a better blitz pickup strategy is imperative. Not just for JA but the O as a whole.
  21. Love it. A sense of humor While tricking people. When he starts to do this to opposing Defenses while realizing what the D is trying to do to him..... That’s Gold Jerry!!!! Gold!!!!!
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