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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Looks like Pittsburg takes its first loss. This makes next weeks game a tougher proposition IMO
  2. And, he has learned to take better sacks ( last game/ twisted ankle notwithstanding) Last year, he kept taking those sacks after backing up 20 yards and taking us out of FG range, repeatedly. Another example of JA and Daboll turning a weakness into a strength.
  3. Meh!!! We are going to kick their butts💪
  4. My boy is home from college and we just had this discussion over a big breakfast🤓 Our team is starting to figure things out in all phases of the game. You want to peak at the right time and we are setting up that possibility. IMO, injury luck , down the stretch, is the most important need. If we stay healthy and some of our opponents aren’t, it will be huge. I ABSOLUTELY am hoping for the SB and think it is a distinct possibility!!!! Spot on!!!!! That first Giants team was at points BAD that season. Coughlin was on a serious hot seat as I recall.
  5. We clearly got screwed with the Titans getting competitive advantage for not taking proper Covid safety seriously. I would hope that teams get the message after watching he Broncos this week. I also hope the league makes teams play whomever they can in the playoffs or forfeit. The only other recourse is to have a bubble at a neutral site which I can’t imagine them doing.
  6. Winning is a habit, as is losing. This team is in the habit of winning. One thing this team has going for it is Playoff experience. You think Josh and company like the taste of that loss last year? Get this team into the Playoffs and we have a great chance of going deep. It IS a new season and anything can happen.
  7. Said this last month before McKenzie caught the TD. McKenzie needs to be used as a deep target running fly routes a few times a game. With Diggs on the team we have a great extra coach who can work with him on getting off the line and double moves. He is our fastest WR and could take the top off most Defenses.
  8. https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiZmh0dHBzOi8vcHJvZm9vdGJhbGx0YWxrLm5iY3Nwb3J0cy5jb20vMjAyMC8xMS8yOS9hcml6b25hLW1vc3QtbGlrZWx5LWRlc3RpbmF0aW9uLWZvci00OWVycy1ob21lLWdhbWVzL9IBamh0dHBzOi8vcHJvZm9vdGJhbGx0YWxrLm5iY3Nwb3J0cy5jb20vMjAyMC8xMS8yOS9hcml6b25hLW1vc3QtbGlrZWx5LWRlc3RpbmF0aW9uLWZvci00OWVycy1ob21lLWdhbWVzL2FtcC8?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen
  9. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!!!! I’m thankful for three more years of Bragging right over the Cowgirls 🤓
  10. I’ve had the Steelers game on my mind since the schedule came out. I HATE the Steelers!!!!! My Chiropractor is a huge Steelers fan. His opinion is that the Steelers play to their opponents level. FYI from a guy who loves his team like we love ours.
  11. OUR LADY OF THE “PRESERVE THIS VICTORY” Don’t fail us now.
  12. This should be ours but I have no faith in the Refs ability to not screw us👿
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