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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. My poor wife is SO sick of me calling for the “ Butch Rolle” play😂😂😂
  2. Kenny Davis was the first name to hit my mouth. I Suppose Frank Reich is right there, too.
  3. Agree. There were a couple plays where Brown came up not quite limping but not right. I think he usually gets in on that play but Beggars can’t be choosers.... Perfect call at the perfect time.
  4. Diggs is too easy!!! Bryce Paup was the first name that came to mind. NFL Defensive player of the Year💪💪💪
  5. But... but.... the first four weeks were an aberration!!!! He’s nothing but Blake Bortles, at best!!! 🤓😉 OUR FRANCHISE QB💪💪💪
  6. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/establishing-the-run-does-matter/ar-BBXgJfg It depends on how you crunch the data. You can tell me till you are blue in the face that Analytics show a running game doesn’t. 40+ years of watching the box get stuffed and good QBs kill them with the PA tells me otherwise.
  7. Even better if we could consistently pound the rock with the run. If that happens.... oooof.
  8. I get your point but I don’t get the low level animosity towards McD. ( not you specifically but in this fanbase as a whole) When Brady succeeded Bledsoe the Pats were running some pedestrian, ball control , Boring offenses for a few years. Pretty conservative stuff. Why? Because that was the best way to eke out wins. Who thinks Hoodie was a bad coach during that period? Clearly, that aspect of McD’s game irks the heck out of a large chunk of posters on here but has worked to get us into the playoffs twice; once with a team that didn’t deserve to be there IMO. None of us know how much autonomy Daboll has with his play calling from game to game. Listening to him it sounds like a team effort from the staff. He even used the word process. McD has created a Top 5 football team in the NFL. He’s done it methodically and growth and improvement are apparent. “ Huge Bummer” indeed.
  9. “ I just really believe that each week is it’s own unique week.” This season Daboll is really starting to display the NE coaching upbringing he had. This team come out and clearly emphasizes different facets of the playbook each week. I drool at the prospects that this foreshadows. After having watched a million losses to NE where that O would turn on a dime from short slants and quick outs to power sets and jumbo packages without missing a beat, imagine Josh leading an O like that ( he is smart enough) as he really starts to understand Opposing defenses😍
  10. Absolutely is but it is half a season away. Ben Rapelisberger was out there gimping around on a bum knee yesterday. A couple more hits before we play him and he is even more of a statue. The team that scored 44 on AZ could hang with KC offensively. Point is, let’s get there and see. No idea what any of these teams will be when we get there, including ours.
  11. Spot on!!! Every season’s team is a new team to some degree. There is always an Apples to Oranges argument to be made: 88 vs 89 vs 90’s team etc. However, with an admittedly small sample size I think most can agree Josh IS the guy. The coaching staff is solid AND learning and growing before our eyes just as Josh is. Like Don O alluded to above, injuries matter and this staff is figuring it out on the fly. Continuity is another important factor. I bagged on Beasely last year and early this year. I was wrong! He and Josh are now on the same page. Diggs and Josh STILL have a ways to go.... and Diggs is STILL killing it on the field. The Delhomne Panthers and Eli Manning Giants were NOT(!!!!!) great teams in the regular season and nobody was picking either to do anything in the playoffs. You get as many wins as you can to get to the dance and with a little luck and growth it is a brand new season of wonder and success.
  12. I began to write this screed in Royales thread about when in the game I knew we would win. I don’t start threads often but the time is NOW for a change in attitude from the brunt of this fan base. In the last week, since beating the Pats in a huge Gut Check win , I have seen at least a hundred comments combined: Fire McD / Why did we extend him Beane sucks / Don’t extend him Daboll sucks / We need a new OC Frazier sucks / We need a new DC Josh Sucks / First 4 games were an aberration Tre sucks / He got paid and is loafing ALL our LBs suck / Let’s try some practice squanders from other teams back there. Our DLine sucks / Must be completely rebuilt Our Safeties ain’t all that / Marlowe should start permanently Our O line sucks / need 3 new starters Our RBs suck Seasons over / Even IF We make the playoffs we lose our first game Miami will win the AFCE 🤮 🤮 🤮 Et Cetera Repeat after me: THE BILLS ARE A GOOD TEAM THE SEASON IS ONLY HALFWAY OVER HOW WE PLAYED IN OUR LOSSES ISN'T HOW WE WILL ALWAYS PLAY THEY ARE STILL GROWING AND TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT AS THEY CONTEND WITH A SLEW OF INJURIES AT VITAL POSITIONS We are not a perfect team or roster but this team is capable of beating anyone. They are also showing signs of believing in themselves in all three squads O,D and ST. I understand dissecting plays and criticism, it’s what we do and are supposed to do. However, when “ Bills Fans” start to sound like trolls from other fan bases in disguise, it is sad. BILLIEVE These ARE the Good ol Days!!! Right now!!! Enjoy them because they are few and far between. Flame away😘
  13. That’s the funny thing, It didn’t look like JB was at 100%. He was slow to get up and walking/ limping a bit at times. This bye couldn’t come at a better time.
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