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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. From the league's handbook: "All players who have reportable injuries must be listed on the practice report, even if the player takes all the reps in practice, and even if the team is certain that he will play in the upcoming game. This is especially true of key players."
  2. And, yet again Tommy Terrific flaunts the NFL injury reporting requirements for the whole season. Clearly, the Bucs should pay a stiff penalty for this but my guess is it will be a slap on the wrist. Brady got his Lombardy. The NFL got their ratings and story line. “Nothing to see here.” https://news.google.com/articles/CAIiEDnBRq5T6ttAyxmL0S7R1xUqFggEKg4IACoGCAow5tYTMODEAjCyugQ?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen
  3. You know how we all make fun of “ too many threads” about this guy or that subject? Ertz being the latest edition. You just can’t have too many Josh Allen threads. The videos starts and I’m just mesmerized…..😵😵😵😵
  4. Who do I want? Oliver and Knox Who do I think? Gabe Davis
  5. When they came to Spartanburg a couple years ago it was Awesome
  6. I want an open competition and I want one of them to be heads and above the others, playing at a Top 10 level. I don’t think that will happen but…. I am not a Knox fan. He provides value as a blocker but I don’t believe he ever becomes a consistent weapon in our passing attack. I don’t know Hollister so he’s the next man up and I can dream.
  7. Which, while probably true, is a major indictment on our TE group.
  8. Wait till we win the Super Bowl I’m gonna bawl like a two year old 💪💪💪
  9. Tough choice between RB and D-line in general. I’m really excited/ hopeful that Breida offers a much needed home run potential out of the backfield both running and receiving. I know he hasn’t earned that accolade anywhere but a man can dream. I think it is paramount to get a run game/ short passing game going this year! D- line: Do either of the rookies have an appreciable impact? Are they able to show out in a short preseason and earn a decent snap count or is it Epenesa 2.0 time? Does Star comeback rejuvenated and have a cascading positive effect on the middle of the line. Does Oliver show out or show more of the same?
  10. One of them ( Poyer, I think) knocked themselves out hitting Cam on the sideline in the second NE game. I have it DVRd and you can actually see his eyes are rolled back as he hits the ground . He got pulled into the tent .
  11. For me this is as much about getting rid of DTV as anything else. We literally never watch it. We aren’t TV watchers in general and when we do it’s streaming/.bingeing. I think you are probably right about whoever gets it jacking it up but ….. free market economics. I’m at the point in life where I can afford it whichever way it goes.
  12. Corporate America gouging on price????? Highly doubt that 😳
  13. Thanks for sharing. I remember being 16, fishing on the pier in Olcott for salmon, listening to Kelly’s first game ( preseason)as a Bill and everyone within earshot was paying attention. It was the beginning of a magic era and as a kid it seemed so unbelievable. Marv was such a gem. He was exactly what those teams and players needed.
  14. That’s the thing, It’s not just him. You know Daboll is self scouting. You know McD is self scouting. You know Diggs is. This team gets it.
  15. It’s not the expense. I just don’t use DTV for anything. Everything is Netflix or Hulu or Prime or Vudu. Paying for something I don’t use rubs the “ Cheap Pollock” in me the wrong way. I’ve been looking forward to canceling DTV and I believe when this contract is up the Ticket moves elsewhere. As I type this on my iPhone Apple sounds good to me.
  16. Just finished watching this . I can’t believe how many times Mueller carried the ball! WTF. And pulling Thurman out for Riddick when Thurm was killing it. Thomas was clearly the best back on the field. Coaches overthink things sometimes. Weird seeing the single bar Facemasks on the kickers. Love the Red Helmets. Tasker doing a Flip? Special Teams blocking a punt and FG….. sweet. Norwood….. not so sweet. That D was for real. Nice seeing Moon throw the ball again. I always admired him as a player.
  17. I live in a rural area with DSL the only other thing coming in my house through the phone line…..which is the only reason we have a land line phone. Someday, when we retire we will live somewhere with modern conveniences.
  18. Sorry Chandler, didn’t see it. The ONLY reason I still have DTV is the Sunday Ticket.
  19. https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiOmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnJldXRlcnMuY29tL2FydGljbGUvdXMtYXBwbGUtbmZsLWlkVVNLQ04yRUYxV0TSATRodHRwczovL21vYmlsZS5yZXV0ZXJzLmNvbS9hcnRpY2xlL2FtcC9pZFVTS0NOMkVGMVdE?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen This seems like a pretty big and good deal for those of us stuck with DTV. The ability to stream games on a dedicated site would be a godsend for many NFL fans and seems like such a no brainer. I would like to see the ability to stream individual games as opposed to signing up for a whole season.
  20. The window is WIDE open right now!!!! With the belief that McD and Frazier didn’t suddenly forget how to coach D and that last year was an aberration ( on a few levels), our D will be markedly better led by a much improved D line showing. While D Coordinators are trying To scheme against last years downfield passing attack , Daboll and Co will show some short game wrinkles that keep them guessing and improve our play action game. Super Bowl BABY💪💪💪💪💪
  21. Yes!!! Extra game + a much improved D that gives the ball back to Allen and Company.
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