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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. We need to have a balanced attack if we want to have longevity in our SB window run. If you are of the opinion that Josh, Diggs and company can do next year what they did this year ,for 19 games, I have a bridge to sell you. The league will catch up with our offense like it always does. Put another way, how many time did you need to see the Patriots ( with the GOAT at QB) run the ball down other teams throats at will before you thought , Huh, wish we could do that.
  2. From memory, the first one against the Bengals, we all seemed so happy to just be there. It was pre K gun and Kelly wasn’t considered premier yet. Tough game that really hurt at the time. LA game was amazing. Just knew we were gonna beat them but didn’t realize by how much. Jay Schroeder was a bum. Denver , I thought we would beat handily. I had season tickets in the upper EZ where Bailey got the pick on the attempted screen from Elway. Horribly boring, super consequential defensive slugfest. ( In my mind it was like the Jets game that got us the AFC East in 88) Miami we knew we would beat and we did. I watched it with my buddy in his basement just after his father had died. KC seemed scary at the time. The KGun was Meh. I’m too lazy to look it up but that may have been the season that Metzelaars led the team on receptions. We sat in the lower EZ opposite the tunnel on a warm drizzely day and whooped the heck out of them. I really thought we were going to beat Dallas that year in the SB. First half started ok but they put the hammer down in the second half. I would say, I FEEL slightly more confident in this KC championship game than the last one. This season has had an air of inevitable to me for a month now. KC is dangerous but they don’t seem as hungry as we are and we are equally as dangerous. If we beat them, we kill GB in the Super Bowl.
  3. I know it’s in another thread but I get the feeling Josh will work with them to keep weapons. He is a thoughtful Alpha male which is a rare commodity.
  4. Our pass pro was absolutely amazing this year, especially when you think what the prevailing opinion of it was before the season. I would like to see Beane focus/ take a flyer on some maulers who downhill block better than pass protect. I realize our backs need an upgrade too but we need to create the ability to run earlier in games.
  5. Well, you could argue that for the Colts but we beat the snot out of the Ravens!
  6. Josh has improved his weaknesses every year. Do you think he, Daboll and Diggs haven’t already discussed working on this?
  7. Awesome We are going to get a heaping dose of Mahomes this and Kelce that. Let them all overlook us!!! More fuel for our 🔥.
  8. This!!! Back in the KGun era, it was the same. Sometimes Christie kicked 6 FGs. Denver AFC Championship game it took an Int on a screen to ice a bad game. Bills 49 ers was all Kelly all the time with NO D or special teams. This team is winning as a team. This next game is going to be a dogfight where all three facets need to contribute where and when they can.
  9. The shirt that just came out of the bag with the obvious folding pattern wrinkles? I LOVE that he’s too lazy to iron a shirt😂 Also, the cleaning lady was missing from this breakdown which really ruined it for me personally 😒
  10. Direct reflection on JA for raising the level of talent around him. I would also credit Diggs for instilling a different level of professionalism to the whole group. Last year we led the leagues in drops. I don’t think Diggs tolerated half-assing it on ANY plays and that is a huge addition of veteran leadership.
  11. Sat in the lower EZ ,opposite the tunnel with my buddies Jay and Tom. Warm rainy day that saw the 26 year old me trashed to the bejeezus by the end of the game. They had a bunch of Sheriffs on horses around the sidelines to dissuade us from rushing the field( goal posts are expensive???) My buddy Jay reached over the pile trying to get on the field and grabbed a Burke Security guys hat right off his head. Still, I can’t believe how rowdy those Drive in Mafia types were😜
  12. I want Mahomes in there so when we drub them there are no excuses.!!!! I’ve got a feelin.....,
  13. Love that they are going to have to make a decision on him. Either overpay, start over or get caught in mediocrity with a mediocre QB. A couple years out the Browns and Bungles may become the perennial top dogs in that division.
  14. Goodbye💪🦬💪🦬💪🦬💪🦬💪🦬💪🦬💪🦬💪🦬💪🦬💪🦬💪
  15. Boys and Girls Bills are in the AFC Championship Game💪🦬 Goodnight and sweet dreams.
  16. Finally figuring some things out. loved the screen, hated the pass to Davisvwith Humphries on him.
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