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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. Green Bay / Chicago week 17 last year is on NFL Network right now. Chicago’s O play calling looks Meh. First down runs. MT is throwing a lot of short throws but he seems accurate. Routes all seem short. Having never watched him, I’m surprised by his athleticism. Now, if he could just get some “ arm arrogance “
  2. I’m not excited about the Dawkins quote. I am excited to see a D line , full of young bucks, with some good veteran leadership , get after it. I am of the hunch that last year was an outlier for our D and this year we will get back into our groove. I see a lot of people on here questioning Star and his motivation, past and present. I am of the opinion that he is a vet who sees a Golden opportunity to put a ring on his finger. IMO, there is a good chance we are more than pleasantly surprised this year by our D.
  3. Last year, this time, we all hoped Josh would do what he did but none of us really believed he would. We have a real shot to have a top five D line this year. If it happens, our D will also be top five and we should be able to beat KC. The window is open and “ Why not us”?
  4. Actually, there were a few “ sack of concrete” catches by him last year that were stiff and ugly. I think he just isn’t as fluid and flexible as some guys and that is part of the problem.
  5. Cutting Kelvin Benjamin and tacitly admitting that picking him up was a mistake.
  6. Went Pike fishing in the Adirondacks last week. Pike weren’t hitting but the Smallmouths were. We couldn’t keep them but Man were they Fun to catch😎
  7. Apparently, he read the Minnesota article and wanted to prove them wrong🤔
  8. Because the middle of our D looked SO formidable last year? I’m not so worried about losing Beane now that we have Stanley McPlanley waiting in the wings😎
  9. What a HUGE treat!!!! I’m so struck by how much of a team the front office, ownership and Head coach are. You can’t fake that. I’ve got a really good feeling😍
  10. NOPE Brees behind center represents the ability to get the team in the right position/ play to be successful. Even with a noodle arm that fact remained. Winston or Hill behind center? 🤮🤮🤮 The Bills are going to win handily by double digits.
  11. They don’t have a QB. I think we are going to blow them out.
  12. So your saying Rothlisberger is going to be a “ Wide Receiver “? 🤓
  13. I’m going with Zorba’s in Depew. My first stop when I fly in every time. Maybe 2 miles from the airport. GOTTA get a Texas hot!!!! Whether Seneca, Louie’s or Zorba’s. No other city has them. They are NOT chili dogs either. Don’t let anyone tell you that. Best Pizza is Lunettas.
  14. Some of the Stadiums we will play in won’t be anywhere near as loud as ours. Because of crappy teams or Josh and the Boys taking the fans out of the game with a large lead. Also, I feel like our O skill personnel is full of cagey vets who will be good with noise and silent counts. The biggest question mark will be the O line IMO.
  15. No one is talking D??? Our D is about to get an extra man on each play for 8/9 games. This is huge in my opinion. 31 other teams have NO recollection of what Rich/ The Ralph/ Bills Stadium sounds like she it’s rocking.
  16. Or like a young 20 something who will make in one year what I’ll take a decade to make🤔 And he knows it.
  17. I hate Night games. Gimme 1:00 pm all year, every week. The only Primetime game that matters is February 13!!!!! I’ll be watching that one in Curaçao 💪
  18. Have you seen Cowboys fans??? Have you seen Stillers fans?????? Have you seen Pats fans??????????? Bills fans are nothing but light and goodness.
  19. Dude caught some down field balls last year. He needs to be shadowing Diggs and picking his brain about footwork and the route tree.
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