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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. To hell with both of them, Denver is the best team in football right now.
  2. How 'bout that?????????
  3. Enter Losman.
  4. TD would have picked another bonehead anyways....
  5. Hey Rich, Isn't it sickening to think that Saddam has this many friends? May God continue to bless our coalition partners.
  6. Yeah, and all the while, Bobby Labonte is mired back in 14th place in the NNC point standings and is trying like hell to aviod going winless for the first time since he joined JGR in 1995. The good news for Bobby is that Atlanta is on the horizon. The bad news for Bobby is that his team is sucking stojan. This is no way for a former champ with the best sponsor in all of stock car racing to be treated. Joe Gibbs is a moron, J.D. is an idiot and it's all because of the old man's ego trip. He was part owner of the falcons, couldn't he just leave it at that? AND GIBBS IS ADDING A THIRD RIDE THIS YEAR????????????? WITH FedEx as sponsor and JASON LEFFLER AS PILOT?????????? Has Joe Gibbs lost it???????????????????? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Mike Helton is a stojanbag.
  8. This team has sucked ass ever since they got rid of Fat Wade. I'm tired of it.
  9. A while back you told a story about a General that spoke at a SPEC WAR conference where he was asked about the fate of UBL. When Kerry spoke last night about Tora Bora, it reminded me of that thread. Would you mind telling that story again. I can't remember if it took place at Tora Bora or not. Thanks.
  10. Wasn't that the same Ravens team that couldn't score an offensive TD for the first five games?
  11. No contest - Shanahan.
  12. A punter is only as good as his long snapper.
  13. Moorman's 'lofty' contract will prevent a trade. What is his QB rating these days?????
  14. The B word won, and I can't believe I just killed two hours watching it. Holy crap
  15. You are welcome. Thanks for supporting us and what we are doing over there in hopes that someday the Iraqi people will be as thankful to be Iraqis as KtFaBD is to be an American. I'm so thankful that I had my chance to contribute to the effort. God Bless you my brother.
  16. Please spare us from the condescending rhetoric. Thank you.
  17. None of the dummycraps would care if he was shooting fertilized embryos. What is so big about a bunch of puppies?
  18. It's Bristol Baby.
  19. Moulds caught his touchdown in that game.
  20. Big Al, you are one of my favorite people on here, and I mean that. You are one of the most respectful people that i disagree with, but your answer is no; not how you phrased it. I was in Kuwait and had to read John Kerry's acceptance speech instead of seeing it live like I saw the President's tonight. Once Kerry got over his self-worship over his service in Vietnam, his proposals were vague to say the least (and I can't believe it took him 55 minutes to say that little). The President's speech tonight was a stark contrast to to Senator Kerry's. It was a follow up to his January State of the Union, and as a returning OIF I/ II sailor, it served as reinforcement for the job I know we have done well in that theater. Like it or not, this was the most that this Administration has revealed as to why we went into Iraq in the first place. I love the irony that Jim Kelly has given us, and I'm not even sure that he is a Republican. Jack Kemp is, but I doubt all Buffalo quarterbacks are. Funny too that Flutie and RJ are probably both voting for Kerry this year. Idiots.
  21. I watched the speech on CNN and when they showed Jim Kelly cheering him on (twice) I laughed in the face of every Kerry voting idiot on this board. That's right you are idiots.
  22. It has been John Kerry's race to lose for quite some time................................
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