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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Soldier On Rich!
  2. I hope Rehnquist is getting well; we're going to need him.
  3. His plans are not George Bush's plans, that is all that really matters. Hell, George Bush was the first President to explicitly call for an independent Palestinian State, so I'm just going to assume that's not the end that Kerry wants to work towards. If Arafat is on his way out, July will pale in comparrison to what is about to unfold.
  4. Fret not, JFK has a plan.
  5. They ask how the Broncos are doing this year.
  6. We can only hope for the best.
  7. It's happened to me a time or two....
  8. Quick - name the legislation containing this excerpt.
  9. I don't think you were explicit enough
  10. I didn't watch it and I'm voting for Bush. Is that cool?
  11. Those pipeliens are 80% of the Iraqi economy. For the love of God, can you please stay on topic?
  12. My blood pressure would be a hell of a lot lower if Biden was the Democratic candidate; same goes for Lieberman.
  13. The Austrailians are awesome folks to serve with. I was on one of the oil platforms for the month of June and we were supported by a few coalition ships that were conducting surveillance and interdiction ops out there. The platform was all beat to hell because of the previous wars and we didn't have much of anything you could call a nicety. The ships realized that and would send over small boats for us for health and comfort runs. The US ships did the minimum for us while the Australian ship bent over backwards for us. Awesome ship, awesome crew that should be a standardbearer for all navies of the world. I could go on and on about that ship...
  14. I couldn't agree more Mick. This story is in its infancy and I don't think it's enough to put the final nail in Bush's coffin just yet. It's just another example of John Kerry's opportunistic style of running his campaign. If Kerry had a real platform and was square with the electorate, he wouldn't have needed to jump on this at all.
  15. No, it's us squids that can't clean a rifle. Aussie - thank your son for me, and you hang in there.
  16. I hate to tell you this RCow, but Bush is not my ideal candidate; Cheney is. My support for GWB is unwavering because he gave me the one issue I voted on in 2000: the removal of Saddam Hussein from power. Do you think I'm going to stop supporting him now? No way in hell brother. You seem fixated on all that is wrong with GWB, and can't give the guy credit for anything. Bill Clinton was pretty hard headed in his own right, and made some critical decisions and then stuck to his guns. I fully credit him for that and maintain that all Commanders in Chief should hold that very same trait. I've talked it out with Chicot about what I saw, and I'm not going to go back over it with you. Iraq is a big country, yet you are fixated on the troubled spots. Why is that?
  17. This war is not a miserable failure Mick. You are being misled by the media and by the Kerry/ Edwards campaign rhetoric. Your opinion of this war isn't going to change unless Kerry pulls this election off and the media begins to paint a brighter picture of what is going on in Iraq. Rewind five years and read this: PNAC
  18. Saddam Hussein was the only world leader to openly praise the 9/11 attacks. Does that figure into this somehow?
  19. I would have to say that California's numbers are a bit skewed considering the number of illegals we have employed and living in this state. Maybe after we give them drivers licences, we can adjust the figues accordingly. UVAS NO!
  20. Thanks to Bill Kristol and PNAC, the world is becoming a better place. It's OK for you to waver on your support of OIF Mickey, because you fail to accept the broader objective. It's people like Bill Kristol and John Bolton who hold and have held the vision to make our world better and safer.
  21. Doing good Rich, thanks for asking. I'll PM you with some updates. The recent big add out here is the Michael J. Fox plug for prop 71 Stem Cell Research. I'm so tired of people getting on board with a cause only after they have been personally afflicted by some disease. My brother has been a type 1 diabetic since he was nine months old, but I still can't jump on the bandwagon here.
  22. You ought to hear it when they announce the recent polls: "Bush barely ahead in XXX, 52-48." "Kerry ahead in XXX, 48-47." "Bush with a slim margin in XXX, 51-46." "Kerry leading Bush in XXX, 49-46." I've only been able to watch the alphabet channels and PBS over the last week because my DTV doesn't get hooked up until the 1st. Just in time for the idiocy that will kick off on the 2nd. Can't wait.
  23. Keeping in mind that the Redskins traded away Champ Bailey, I think GW will land in Cleveland next year.
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