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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Why only twenty? Most career guys are in for much longer....
  2. Morning prayer starts at 0330.
  3. You know who's corner I'm in, and what I have said here has nothing to do with some silly ass election day poll.
  4. Don't worry yourself Ed. These people have not voted for John Kerry today, they have voted against George W. Bush. Kerry is nothing more than an opportunist making the most of a selfish America. An America unwilling to make the short term sacrifices necessary to secure our freedoms for the generations to come. Let the pacifists rejoice today. It will come back and bite us all in the ass tomorrow. I echo what Bill has said. You've come along just fine brother.
  5. My favorite are the ham and cheese. If you don't give them ample time to cool, the cheese with torch your tongue. Lookout.
  6. That puppy was worthy of being pinned.
  8. Great post my brother. God Bless.
  9. Well let's just see here... Who said anything about pro or anti-black? You need to be more careful when you read posts that get you blood pressure up. Maybe you should go get a drink of water or walk away from the computer for a few minutes to refresh and calm down. Then respond intelligently. Bush isn't black. You know this right? I mean there is a lot of confusion about Clinton being our first black President, but Bush isn't considered black by the likes of Sharpton, Jesse, Rangel, et al. Clinotn is black, Bush is not black. I'm not sure what qualifies a white person to be black, but if you need to know, maybe ask those three people I mentioned. Follow me yet? Anti-abortion means Bush does not condone abortion of any sort, and he's steadfast about it. What I meant by it is that there are a lot of folks who demand that abortion remain leagal. Bush isn't going to get thier vote. Does that make any kind of sense to you or am I rushing through this? And just yesterday the President took a lot of flack from the conservatives by condoning civil unions for gays, but not gay marriages. If by title alone, I'm with the President on this one too. The gays can have thier civil unions and thier benefits that go along with it, but please don't try to erode traditional religious sacraments with such a thing as gay marriage. You see Rcow, this election is about people voting self above country. People like you.
  10. For what it's worth, Savage is all over this right now. This is the worse possible scenario that I can think of.
  11. Why am I still paying $2.49/ gal for 87 octane? Your theory is full of holes my dear.
  12. With the election just days away, I guess there's no time like the present. Too bad they don't "get" who the real enemy is.
  13. Yeah, right. Bush made a mistake by not being pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and by not being black? Those are real mistakes that he must own up to. Get real.
  14. DOGPILE! AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I guess they are taking him to his wife, even though he's not that sick. cnn.com frontpage.
  16. I can wait until you're done setting Paco straight.
  17. You're right. After Aghan, we should have taken on Iran, Iraq, and Syria simultaneously, so that we wouldn't be looking like fools in Iraq right now. It would have saved us a lot of grief.
  18. I think what it means is that we don't need a major war in Pakistan right now. The region is already volitile enough, so let our special operations forces who aren't there take care of things when the timing is right.
  19. Too bad Kerry wants to kill that particular program. What a loser, but don't worry I'm sure he and the ambulance chaser have a plan for UBL.
  20. The environmentalists rank right up there with the animal rights activists. Throw in a dash of NAACP and man do we have a story or what? Seriously though - Are these 90K homeless displaced by the huricane and not really homeless? Or is this just a way to orchestrate pulling folks up off the street in an effort to defeat GWB?
  21. OH CRAP! WHAT HAVE I MISSED?????????????
  22. I was too lazy to register, but I imagine there is a Kyoto reference. No?
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