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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. You really aren't this naive are you?
  2. I purposely stayed out of this thread until I read your post. It's a sensitve subject for me, but I also understand why the other posts were made. Any fool can understand why they were made. Karma can be a biotch sometimes, don't you think?
  3. Look, no one wishes this on her. Get it?
  4. I love how he closes with the Lincoln reference.
  5. AFP is reporting that he is clinically dead. That's good enough for me.
  6. There's a great article in the Mercury today that sums up what it is like to coexist with the folks out here. Some stuff you just can't make up no matter how hard you try... More
  7. The Germans are idiots, plain and simple. Sheryl Crow was one of the more outspoken critics of GWB, but that didn't stop them from spitting on Lance Armstrong during this year's tour.
  8. Screw that, they should pack for here.
  9. Along with the like father, like son single term hype.
  10. For reasons that folks like you fail to understand.
  11. Six more years of Barbara Boxer. Lord have mercy.
  12. That is your best avatar to date brother. Soldier on!
  13. Good question. The Clintonite infiltration of Camp Kerry is going to be talked about for the next four years. You watch.
  14. Well said BiB. What was the whole point of that speech last night other than to perpetuate the urban myths of fraud in 2000? What a classless maneuver.
  15. I'm wondering what Tom Ridge is going to do. These last few years have probably taken a pretty good toll on him and I wouldn't be surprised if he took the next four years off before he runs for the Presidency. I think Mineta will take off, I have no idea as to who his replacement might be. Rumsfeld will take off and Wolfie will succeed him. Powell will take off with John Bolton as successor. Bold prediction of the day - Condi Rice takes off with Bill Kristol replacing her.
  16. Do you understand what neoconservatism is, or are you just parroting Al Franken?
  17. He shot his mouth off about the election in his weekly columns, and now his emailers are going to have a field day with him. Just another example of a non-political type entering the fray when they shouldn't have. I love it.
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