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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. If Kerry had won, there are plenty of folks out there that would have spun this into some kind of victory for JK's policy of "bilateral talks will solve everything."
  2. Better late than never I guess.
  3. Perhaps... but no thank you.
  5. Not enough attention this weekend?
  6. Can we whack 'em anyways? Please.....
  7. Can we whack Iran? Please....
  8. Yeah, I thought the idea was to keep the punter out of the game. I expected Bledsoe to stink it up, but the defense was the biggest letdown.
  9. Tough situation to put the kid in. He's a gamer, fret not.
  10. Baker scares me.
  11. Assassination? Just curious...
  12. I haven't lost faith in the kid. You?
  13. This is a disgrace to all of the legitimate pussies out there.
  14. If I'm Scott Peterson, I pull a Timmothy McVeigh and get it over with.
  15. complete with a classless entry by the holier than thou, smarter than you, anti-war vets. Their entry was complete with a mock coffin adorned by the Flag and a pair of desert boots. Their banner said something to the effect of “Bush Lied, 1148 Have Died.” Admittedly, I didn’t get a good look at them because I’m opposed to appeasing classless attention seekers. Their views run counter to mine, so be it. I’m proud that we live in a country that allows them express their views, but hey, there is a time and a place for everything, and yesterday’s event was the wrong forum for them to express these views. Recall rally – right forum. At the intersection of Winchester and Stevens Creek near the major shopping hub in San Jose every weekend – right forum. At the universities – right forum. Organized rally - right forum. Hopefully, the little girl on the US Postal Service trailer who was holding a sign that read “My Daddy is in Al-Falluja” didn’t see these classless attention seeking whackos. If she did, well, I guess they got their point across.
  16. Daoud?
  17. My vote goes to Triumph the Dog.
  18. This is a preposterous study. Everyone knows that you only give to a charity or get involved in a cause after you or someone close to you is adversely affected by a tragedy of some sort. Sheesh… I guess we'll never learn.
  19. You are way too full of yourself bro. Please stay indoors tomorrow.
  20. Excellent cut and paste job Mick, excellent. Let's see here... Did I ask you if you read the title of the thread? I'm thinking that I asked you if you: And because of this most recent post I don't think that you did. Ya see Mick, Campy went off on so called compassionate conservatives in the name of W. That is where he crossed the line and I had to chime in. You can continue to cut and paste and warp my posts in this thread however you want to, but I really think you should read the entire thread before you start chiming in next time. If you had, you just might have browsed over post #70 where I publicly apologized to Campy instead of doing it through PM. I'm not a kitty like that, and it was a misunderstanding. No hard feelings though Mick. I know you are still bitter from JK and JE getting their collective backsides handed to them on Tuesday. In the battle of Liberalism vs. Conservatism you can continue to take it out on me, but as you will agree, this isn't the thread for it and maybe you should start a new one. I especially like your closing tirade: So go ahead and come back with one of your typical responses, you are showing yourself to be no better than John Edwards himself brother. Is that what this is really about?????????????????????????????????????
  21. I see the problem now, as I was referring to the posts made by Stuckincincy and Eryn. Sorry about the mix up. Boom
  22. I didn't start it Mick. You did read the entire thread right?
  23. The posts were aimed at John Edwards, NOT HIS WIFE. Naturally people are going to mention his past career and make statement based on the irony of the situation. Please try to understand this. Please.
  24. Put your emotions aside and keep what was said in context. No one is making light of cancer, no one is wishing Mrs. Edwards ill will. Her hubby is the subject here, not her. BTW - I lost my dad too, two years ago yesterday as a matter of fact.
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