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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. You know as well as I do Mick that if Limbaugh or Savage had said this it would have been blown way out of proportion by the mainstream media. My point is that having witnessed a brutal campaign for the last two years, there is much more hate being spewed from the left and it is being accepted as the norm because it is directed at us evil conservatives. Howard Dean's campaign, Franken's Lies, Farenfatass 9/11, Kerry's "I'm not Bush" theme are all fine examples of the recent flurry of hatred. I think this comment is a worse personal attack than what Limbaugh said about McNabb, but hey that's just my opinion. Like you said, this guy is a nobody and in stark contrast Limbaugh had a big fat bullseye on him.
  2. He'll probably sign up to do some docent work with Al Gore at the new Clinton Library.
  3. Sure we're clear. Clear in that you keep insisting that the Iraqis are some of the most savage animals on the face of the earth. Savage animals that need to be hunted down and eliminated regardless of which individual or individuals murdered Margaret Hassan. If the insurgency was planned three years ago, then these SOBs were instructed to commit these crimes three years ago. Who knows if Margaret Hassan was specifically targeted three years ago or not, this "insurgency' is out of control and based on your posts I blame it on the savagery of the Iraqi people themselves. It is what you keep saying right?
  4. Liberals are allowed to hate Rich. It's just the way it is....
  5. Cry me a river.
  6. You keep on insisting over and over that the atrocities we are seeing on the news are mostly the work of the Iraqis, and now you want to cast doubt on who killed Hassan? Nice hypocrisy Chicot, very nicely done.
  7. Exactly. Gotta be prepared to execute female aid workers. Gotta always be prepared for that.
  8. I try to avoid FOX News like the plague, but this story reminds me of the Bush DUI story that intentionally broke the weekend before the 2000 election. There's just too much irony this time around.
  9. Laughing my ass off bro!!!!!!
  10. Surprise, surprise - neocon.
  11. In the spirit of Captain America... GET OVER IT!
  12. No one said that you weren't in danger. Just please get off of your ego trip and keep your experiences in perspective compared to what these kids are going through right now.
  13. I'm not surprised. Who better to speak about the nomination of a right wing hawk than a left wing extremist? What a productive conversation that will be. BTW - I would say the same if the tables were turned.
  14. I don't know how you come up with some of your stuff, but you cannot compare a boarding party on a suspect vessel out in the gulf to what these Marines and Soldiers are up against in Fallujah. No way in hell can you do that. I'm not saying that it couldn't get sketch at times, but your job wasn't to take over the vessel by force, your job was to inspect the vessel after the vessel's captain had already agreed to get boarded. Please keep from over-inflating your experiences in future posts.
  15. Fried bologna sandwiches?
  16. Welcome to the 7th century.
  17. Good points Mick. I agree that Iran (Syria too) was scared to death when we went into Iraq, and I maintain that they have been behind much of the current "insurgency" in Iraq. Thier goal of keeping us off balance and bogged down in a guerrilla war has prevented us from taking the diplomatic steps to build a case for regime change in Iran. Santorum introduced legislation earlier this year, but I think it's going to take more than $10M and a bunch of fluff from Congress to get the job done. I liken it to the Iraq Accountablity Act of 1998. I don't think the Iranians are pursuing nukes to keep us from invading. I see thier program as a deterrent to Israel's program/ stockpile.
  18. I went through the training earlier this year, and it was the most intese training I have gone through. Trust me, Navy guys have no business doing this type of crap unless they have been through BUD/S. Just want to add that the douple taps are also to be head shots. Good posts VA.
  19. Considering the ping ponging that has been going on between the Big Three, Iran, and the IAEA, I would say that this declaration by Iran represents progress but not much more than that. To an extent we are in agreement as to how much the Iranians can be trusted, but differ in how this crisis shoul be approached. Kerry suggested in the first debate that he would engage in bilateral talks with Iran and North Korea, which is in stark contrast to how the Bush Administration has been handling theses two crises all along. If you, like I do, have issuses with the Iranian intentions, why engage in bilateral talks/ agreements? Wouldn't making them responsible to other nations better serve our interests?
  20. Is that you will minimize anything this Admistration accomplishes out of blatant partisianship.
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