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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Thanks for the update. I missed the gawddam interview. DAMMIT!
  2. I took up dirt bike riding a year ago at the age of 30. I dislocated my shoulder on my fourth ride and it was a miracle that I was able to deploy with my unit that got called up five weeks later. I was sweating it big time, but ended up pulling it off. Just got a new CRF 250 R and she is one bad ass biotch. Other than that I play in a beer ball softball league.
  3. Terrence McGee has to bring his "A" game. I think the Bills will squeek this one out unlike the choke job in Baltimore.
  4. TV is going to be on Rome tomorrow. I'm not sure which hour though.
  5. Gone are the days of the DTs having more interceptions than the safties it seems.
  6. My friend is a stud on the violin. Let me know if you need a recommendation.
  7. That is bad ass. I was actually thinking of my friend who has a two year old and a four year old. She has started fights with other parents at the park and at the zoo and I have a fear that she's just getting started.
  8. It's almost as if the Bills are living up to thier preseason expectations. Holy crap! I agree, this IS fun.
  9. Send your wife in to kick the crap out of her. Nothing better than a cat fight.
  10. Coach of the Year - Dave Wannstedt MVP - Wickey Rookie of the Year - Jay Fiedler
  11. Were you drinking when you posted it? If so, that's cool.
  12. I need Blaylock to have a stevestojantty outing.
  13. Master Chief, I see your point, and I'm not arguing it but for the folks who may have misinterpreted your post, I wanted to make it clear that you weren't sweeping through the p-ways of a sub looking for sarin gas. Get it? V/R OS2
  14. Why would you be looking for sarin gas on a sub? Sounds absurd to me.
  15. It's time to cut the crap once and for all Chicot. You know as well as I do that there is overwhelming support for this invasion/occupation in northern and southern Iraq, with resentment for it in the middle section of the country. Ironically that is where your ties reside and may help explain your bitterness and refusal to admit that you are of the minority opinon. We can sit here and play on words for a week if you want to, but this conversation is going to go nowhere so long as you avoid what I am getting at. You provide a unique perspective to this board and I wish it wasn't one so clouded in bias, but it is what it is. The occupation is a necessity and is only being prolonged by the savage acts that have been taking place for far too long. America has spoken this month and we are committed to doing what's right for the future of Iraq. Make no mistake that the Coalition partners want the occupation to end as well, but we are a long way off because of the malicious acts of a few.
  16. Great post Mick, and I am sincere when I say that. It's not going to stop me from listening to Savage on the way home but it's a great post nonetheless. I think we're all burned out on the last two years and I think it's because we care about the world more than your average Joe. Savage has been bitching for weeks that he's burned out and now his biggest target of criticism of late is that liberal George W. Bush. Crazy aint it?
  17. Here we go again. Only some Iraqis are friendly? I cannot for the life of me understand why you give such little credit to your fellow Iraqis. You amaze me. I still maintain that there are many, many times more friendly Iraqis than savage Iraqis but that you won't concede that point because it goes against your view that this was a war for imperialist America and not a war to rid the world of a ruthless thug. I still maintain that the majority of Iraqis are glad that we came and that we are currently cleaning house, but I know you won't concede that one either. But what do I know? And now I only deal with generalizations? Especially when my view of the good people of Iraq runs counter to everything we hear and read? Whatever.
  18. Where do you get this stevestojan? "Give uranium to Iranium" - hilarious.
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