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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. What are you some kind of dumb ass or what?
  2. Look man, if I wanted your sarcasm, I would have asked for it. OK? I wish I could spend more time responding to your nonsense, but ICE is back and I'm busy following his posts because he's the only one around here who tells it like it is and how it should be. Late.
  3. It was an ass whoopin... Bill. Shane Mathews even got a few snaps. Fuggin A was it an ass whoopin.
  4. Right on bro. Be sure to let me know when you do, and I'll lay off.
  5. I have been a little remiss in getting my holiday cards out this year. Does anyone know of a good discount holiday card website? Thanks in advance everyone.
  6. I can see it now..... The pick is announced and the Bills fans are shown going crazy with thier cowbells.
  7. C.J. Silas annoys the hell out of me; she must be PMSing every single day. Good gawd can she throw down a good rant for days on end.
  8. I forgot about wickey. How could I forget about wickey?
  9. In no particular order: Peyton Manning Eli Manning Barry Bonds Jason Giambi Victor Conti Tyrone Willingham Pedro Martinez Kobe Bryant Vanessa Bryant
  10. I've never had a golden shower, so I wouldn't know.
  11. So like, if the Bills beat the 9ers.... And the 9ers have beaten the Cardinals twice.... Would that be like beating the Cardinals three times in a single season?
  12. I think it's $37M in guaranteed money. Sounds like they were just trying to trump Peyton Manning.
  13. Strange Brew was an all time classic and I think it's very noble of you to go help those fire fighters out. You may need more than 15 brews as I recall that Bob drank an entire holding tank before saving the day. In all seriousness - that took balls my friend.
  14. In keeping with the spirit, they should also show LT cracking Joe Theisman's leg each and every time he takes the mic.
  15. ....and I wasn't even going to bring up the President's win either.
  16. Great job Bills. Back to back wins to boot.
  17. The good teams find a way to win ugly. I hope that's the way it is for the Bills today. Seattle Miami Cinci I'll take ANY win on the road. Hands down.
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