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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Did I ever tell you guys that I got my nipples pierced right before our unit got called up for OIF? I had them in the whole time we were there and just got bored with them after we came back. Thinking about doing it again though...
  2. I'm going to the range in his honor this weekend. Haven't been in a while, so what the hell.
  3. One. It's the Pearl Jam stick man from the cover of the Alive single. It's on my upper back centered between my shoulder blades, and it's pretty big. Life would be good if I still liked those a-holes... No regrets however.
  4. You're exactly right about D first. I hope the pick is Rivers, but I wouldn't be disappointed with a trade down and then the pick of Connor. Who is #1 on your WR board? I want Doucet in the 2nd.
  5. Good point, but I think the best place to make the WR pick is a trade up in round 2.
  6. So what does make sense? Please enlighten us.
  7. If Rivers is the guy the Bills covet, I think they have to swap firsts with Baltimore. The value chart shows that they would probably have to toss in the 3rd round pick to get there though. Too pricey? I don't know... The Bills take the elite LB in the draft, and Baltimore takes either Clady or Otah (I'm thinking Clady) and essentially get their third rounder back from the Bills minus one draft position.
  8. Cool - one less team in front of Buffalo that might be thinking about taking Rivers.
  9. What ever happened to the Corvette?
  10. No, you can't. Go out and pull your own tail instead of cherrypicking your buddies' leftovers. Unless of course you can't pull your own tail, then by all means do what you have to do...
  11. I think he was mocking the grammar of the original poster actually...
  12. I couldn't agree more about opening with Release. Oceans and Long Road are awesome choices as well. I have no idea why they seem to never perform W.M.A. or Rats as those songs would be epic in concert. Bastards.
  13. Clueless... They really had such a tour? That's awesome.
  14. The last time I had fan club tix was in 2000 for the 'San Francisco' show. It was show 68 of 72 on the Binaural tour and it was on Halloween night at Shoreline which is in Mountain View, not SF. Anyways, I could have picked up the tix anytime after noon, but I got sick and didn't even want to go. My friend wanted them so I picked them up for her around five o'clock. The seats ended up being second row, center stage and she and her date had a blast. The fan club is the only way to go. They even send you a newsletter and single during the holidays. I love their music, but I resent everything they stand for.
  15. Don't forget his catch in the forward lateral game to set up the go ahead field goal. Clutch performance from a rookie and a QB with only one shoe.
  16. Andre Reed's 4th and goal from the 16 in The Comeback. Was it the most spectacular reception in Bills history? Probably not, but it sure was clutch.
  17. The Stranger Neil McCauley Dark Helmet Det. Scott Turner The Snipers in Blackhawk Down
  18. I know you're the world traveller and all, but there are some chicks that actually seek abusive relationships. I can't explain it, nor do I condone it, but I've been around enough to know that it's a real, albeit twisted phenomenon.
  19. Damnit! I forgot: Happy Gilmore Fletcher Reede
  20. Other than you, and I should have mentioned that...
  21. I will ask my friends who have shook his hands and will get back to you.
  22. Oh look a Marine looking up to a real Soldier.
  23. Gunnery Sergeant Tom Highway
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