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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. How do you possibly expect Nugent to mature if he doesn't play? Field Goals and kickoffs in garbage time aren't going to help him that much on his road to NFL stardom.
  2. You couldn't squeeze this into an existing thread? That was funny bro. Thanks for the laugh.
  3. I still think he'll be part of a trade for a tight end. Just a hunch....
  4. Are you sure it's jackalope? I thought it was abominable snowman.
  5. Isn't it easier for them to kick in the pros because of the hash marks? Seriously, I've never really read anything on it.
  6. I can't believe there are fans out there still starting threads about this.
  7. Are you planning a special LAMP post for #100?
  8. Didn't Drew show up to training camp with a Kitna-like haircut? Besides, Kitna is a man of the Lord and I think he would do well as the leader of the offense as well as serve as the team's spiritual leader. The more I think about it, the more I like this idea.
  9. My first impresion of Losman when I saw him in the hotel lobby was, "put some meat on thoses bones." The dude is tall, but man he looks skinny.
  10. Kitna would be a tremendous aquisition. Well said AD.
  11. I wouldn't even call his experience "limited" at this point.
  12. Granted, he's an a$$, but your real problem is your management. You're in a tough bind my friend, is your resume up to date?
  13. My company has been laying folks off for two years. These type of scum suckers were the first ones kicked to the curb. I hate to say it, but it almost made me put a little faith in managemant. I repeat... almost.
  14. I don't think he's going to be calling Tom Brady for a date any time soon. When they were up here two weeks ago, he was spotted heading back to his room Saturday night with two hotties. The next morning he was late for the bus and had no time to sign autographs. Good man I say.
  15. Is it too early to label Reed a bust? I don't think so.
  16. I think you are overlooking that fact that J.P. is a Pisces. Sorry to bust your bubble here, but: This says it all about JP
  17. It's OK to have fun, but it is not OK to not have fun. Get it yet brainiac?
  18. I would imagine that he will wait to see what Pete Carroll does.
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