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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. My sources say that Moulds is the best receiver in football. Period.
  2. You should have made a poll out of this thread, but whatever. It's Phat Pat in a landslide.
  3. I think Jimmy Johnson has a better chance of winning it all than Jeff Gordon does. It's a long season and anything can happen on any give Sunday. Ask EZC-Boston, he may or may not agree....
  5. Besides Manning, Favre is the only 'great' still playing and that speaks volumes for the league in general.
  6. Yeah, Newt would get his ass handed to him.... right. You Dem sympathizers keep on thinking that. Please keep on thinking that.
  7. Nice avatar. I think JK and JE relied way too much on the cowbell factor during their failed run.
  8. Oh, my bad. I didn't realize that was what you were talking about. How foolish of me.
  9. Actually, that was a nice cut and paste job. Got anything on Qureia? Ya see, blowhard thinks she knows everything and her 'new' label of Abbas was comical to say the least.
  10. Moss would be a great mentor for Evans and Reed. NOT!
  11. Travis Brown would have singlehandedly manhandled the Stealers. BROWN, McGAHEE, EVANS - What could have been......... BTW - pun intended.
  12. Man are you guys going to be upset when you find out that there are 10 other guys on the FG team. You guys are way too hard on Lindell just because he's the kicker kicking the kicks. IT'S A TEAM SPORT FOR CHRISSAKES!
  13. How about Oprah's end? Sometimes it's tight, sometimes it ain't. We could even have them throw in a Pontiac and all we would be responsible for would be the taxes. What about Elen?
  14. I'm still doing my research, but I'll let you know when I can back up my hunch.
  15. I'll let you know after I send a quick PM to BF. Standby......
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