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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. It's too bad that no one cares when this type of thing happens in North Carolina or Southern California. Because it happens in a war that some oppose, now it's all over the media and you have idiots making jokes on internet message boards. Talk about grand schemes of things...
  2. You have to cut RCow some slack here. He was misled on election night. My Webpage
  3. It's obvious that he doesn't know enough about Mac to call it anything else. Good post, as I'm not a gamer and wasn't sure why people would think that they can't play a game on a Mac. It sure as hell isn't an issue with the hardware, that I do know.
  4. My weirdo cousin also makes his daughter read books. That's a shame that some parents like your co-workers shelter their kids like that. We, as a society, are going to be in some serious trouble twenty and thirty years down the line...
  5. I don't understand your last point. OS X is UNIX.
  6. Oh yeah, use safari. 10.3 should have also come with IE as well, but I shitcanned it and refuse to use it. I set up my safari to open new windows as tabs and it works out really well. Have you used expose yet? Open three or four windows of whatever and press F9. It's a pretty handy tool to have when you are working on several apps at one time. Check out F11 while you are at it. When you set up your email through mail, you can send pics from iPhoto with a click. Also in iPhoto, set your preferences to open photos in Preview rather than in iPhoto's edit window. It works especially well for vertical shots. I could go on... but i hope this helps a bit. Does it have an airport card?
  7. So what do you have planned for your third post?
  8. The G5 iMac. Nice machine. I had a G4 with the 15" screen and loved it. OSX is a little tricky at first, but once you know how to get around, you'll find it's far superior to anything windows.
  9. Exactly. Some parents like my older cousin even tell their kids to go play in the back yard. I think that parenting technique died way back in the late seventies.
  10. Very true, but let's just say that Lawyer has $10M invested. If he's smart, he invests in something that has historically returned 10% or so/ year, and he withdraws 6% a year as income. He SHOULD be set for life, and his pension from the league will be gravy. Even before taxes, I don't know of anyone that can't support a family off of $600,000/ year. Well, matbe Latrell Spreewell can't.
  11. Coward Now, the article says: I realize the campaign didn't kick off until March of 2003, so maybe he actually spent a couple of months of 2004 in Iraq, but who knows for sure. What I am sure about is that this guy didn't have to wait until two weeks before he was to deploy again to petition the Army for discharge as a conscientious objector. If his experience was that bad, why not file upon return from theater? Why did he wait until the holiday (stand down) season to file the paperwork? Who knows. This guy has ten years of service and should know how the system works by now. To some, this guy is a hero and whatever, but to me, he's nothing more than a guy who milked the governement for about a year. I hope they throw the book at him.
  12. And it's not like the gay community would ever hijack something innocent for thier own use, ya know, like rainbows. Iit's a good thing little kids don't draw those anymore....
  13. Robbin Williams was funny?
  14. What model desktop did she get?
  15. I use mine for music, and to back up my laptop's hard drive. Works like a champ.
  16. Richard Gere?
  17. So the small majority approves? Great analogy man.
  18. Damn, you make it seem like a vasectomy.
  19. I heard that they pronounced him dead at 12:29 AM PST. It was on 910 this morning.
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