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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. pssssssttt - see how these two are attacking you, and passing judgement on the essay? Interesting how this works, isn't it?
  2. I think there's also a category called extreme ignorant leftism that is reserved for those leftists who aspire to out-leftist their leftist peers.
  3. Observations: The UN is irrelevant, even back in 1991 I suppose. Saddam, nor the UN killed 500,000 children, you and I did. His reasoning seems to run counter to evrything we now seem to understand about the relationship between Saddam and AQ/ UBL. What about Israel? Matt Coppo and the rest of the 9/11 families should dismiss this a-hole, and deny him the attention that he obviously seems to crave. What better way to bring awareness to his native american causes than outrage 300,000,000 people?
  4. They know he's bald, right?
  5. Dude, two consecutive posts within 35 min of eachother? Get a life man.
  6. She'll be DECOMED. The almost did it to the Gonzalez when she was brand spanking new.
  7. Reserves now; San Jose, CA. You down south at Hueneme?
  8. What up Sea Bee? OS2
  9. I'm still waiting to meet ONE of the thousands of blacks who were prevented from voting in 2000 by the police. Not to mention the media calling Florida while the polls were still open in the panhandle. And not to mention Jean Carnahan coming out and saying that she would serve in her late hubby's honor before the election. And not to mention certain precincts in St. Louis staying open late that night...
  10. You must be bored today.
  11. Throw Lindell in the package too.
  12. All of this is petty compared to what happened sixty years ago today.
  13. Nugget? That one's a gem. But then again, it was reported on FOX, so who knows how true it is.
  14. Ignorant post, but this passage grabbed my interest considering they don't have toilet seats over there. But whatever...
  15. Ummm... OK. You must know a lot about other news, and you discount the other news these two vets know about. You're too full of yourself man.
  16. That's because we just didn't want to get involved. Pehaps this may remind you of our previous decade.
  17. Didn't we have to fight two wars against Germany? I forget....
  18. I thought all the manufacturing jobs were in China.
  19. It's a team game.
  20. It doesn't matter if he plays or not. Patriots win regardless.
  21. Ummm no. These types of incidents that occur in non-combat operations do get reported. (I don't know why on earth you would think otherwise.) It's just that no one cares, and beyond that, no one plays politics with the issue either.
  22. The 'joke' as you put it, is supposed to mentioned by the side opposite of you in order to be funny. In this case however, you will notice that no such attempt was made by that other side.
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