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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. No doubt.
  2. Nice edit job. That was not your original response, and we both know it. It doesn't really matter to me, but your buddy Rabid seems to cling tight your ramblings. How long did it take you to do the research after your orignal post? BTW - I said that the "far left wing radicals" are the progressives. The only progressive that I know of that ran for the Presidency is Dennis Kucinich. Do you have other information?
  3. nodnarb has spoken you imbecile. His post is gospel and his reasoning does not need explanation. Your logic makes sense, but that is irrelevant in this thread. nodnarb has spoken...
  4. Yeah because NORMAL people MASTURBATE in OPEN windows. Did I communicate correctly? Let's parse this out again since I'm the one who cannot read here... From Paragraph #2: The Supreme Court of Canada noted that British Columbian, Daryl Clark, had agreed it was an indecent act to have masturbated "in an illuminated room near an uncovered window visible to neighbors." From Paragraph #6: She alerted her husband, and the couple observed Clark from their darkened bedroom for 10 or 15 minutes -- also using binoculars and a telescope -- before summoning the police, who said the upper part of Clark's body was visible from just below the navel. I guess this is typical Vermont behavior. Damn neighbors.
  5. Get your facts straight first, and then come talk sh--. Nevermind....
  6. Really? Last time I checked, #36 came before #37.
  7. Bro, hook me up with a link to a high resolution jpeg of your avatar via PM. She is BAD!
  8. Maybe you should read about the Middle East some time.
  9. and yet... it's a non-issue. Just ask Mickey.
  10. No, you're right. This type of crap probably does happen here [Vermont]. And no, masturbating in an open window isn't the type of thing to make light of. Well, if it's commonplace [Vermont], I guess it just might be. You have a good point [Vermont].
  11. The best thing he ever did for the Republican party was to leave it. Upset? Hardly. I mean, I tried to point out to you how well the 2002 midterms went for the Republicans, but that point went way over your head. I even tried to point out the gains made in 2004, but that went screeching by as well. Tom Daschle's hero is Jumpin Jim, maybe you should look up Daschle's biography some time. It might even save you a little embarrassment. Have it your way, but I would recommend taking off those blinders every once in a while.
  12. What it means legalboy is that no one cared who was gay/ lesbian, and who wasn't. Get it yet? I doubt it.
  13. Registration for The Stadium Wall - Free Participation in new server drive - Optional Displaying to the PPP crowd that you have no knowledge of the Presidential debates, much less the details of the election - Priceless.
  14. The only people who made a big deal about this crap are those in the Gephardt and Kerry camps. Thank God that no one paid attention to these two failed candidacies.
  15. Yeah, Jumping Jim Jeffords has a track record of being an independant. Well, independant after he approved of the first round of Bush's tax cuts... Do you even remember the events that led up to Dashcle taking control of the Senate? Do you even remember the election of 2002 where the Dems had their asses handed to them, and Daschle lost his clout? How about Daschle's 2004 re-election bid? You are nothing more than a "headline parrot." Your typing is way faster than your brain bro. You should try to fix that. But you know way more than me... because you are from New England, or whatever. The thing that sucks is that you dumb !@#$ anti war a-holes can't see beyond your own blinders. Case point is your response to Mickey here who is a staunch liberal, but also claims to support OIF. And yes... I can't wait until my unit gets the call again. Maybe you were uneasy in theater, but I sure as hell wasn't.
  16. You won't believe this actually happened.
  17. Now Jeff Katz (Right Wing radio talkshow host on KNEW before Savage) is out here blasting Cheney too. In other news today... a total of five people paused to remember those we lost nineteen years ago in the last flight of Space Shuttle Challenger...
  18. The stealth team in the Henry sweepstakes is San Francisco.
  19. I guess your definitions would matter here if the liberals in the DNC made any attempt to distance themselves from the far left wing radicals in the DNC. It's only going to get worse for you guys when Howard Dean become chairman. Who are the far left wing radicals in the DNC? The progressives. I know, I know, Republicans - blah, blah, blah....
  20. Get off his nuts people...
  21. Jimmy Carter as an American.
  22. Why does the main board always send their trash over here?
  23. bad-boys.com has a cool clip of some lion hunters getting charged by a wounded male. It's nothing like you would see in Faces of Death or anything, but it's worth a look. They show it once in full speed and once in slow-mo. I reccommend it if you're bored on a riday like I am. Disclaimer - there is no blood or shredded body parts, but it will get your heart pumping.
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