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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Your post just about sums it up. I'd also like to add: Standford (LOI) Tennessee - Inbreds sipping moonshine before the game sucks. UCLA - Everything about SoCal sucks. Washington - The weather sucks. California - Hippies and whackjobs suck. Florida - Humidity and bugs suck. Michigan - Weather and ice fishing suck.
  2. This opens the door to bringing Brady Quinn into the conversation.
  3. Why have such a strong position about an event you now claim to not even care about? Such a strong position that you resort to name calling and other posters. I don't get it. Seems like a total waste of energy to me. Were you just trying to be an ass? Are you just trying to be an ass with this thread? Do you try to be an ass in every thread? For the record, I still love the mongoloid blast...
  4. Just in case the rest of you don't know where I was going with this: todd is obviously bi-polar.
  5. So why are fans who think the Bills will take a LB in the 1st round a bunch of 'Mongoloids' (your word, not mine)? Hypocrite.
  6. NASCAR of course... Don't go there redneck bashers... Don't do it...
  7. These guys have him as the #6 CB. How accurate are they?
  8. As well as Dexter Manley.
  9. Take him with the comp 4th?
  10. Dude - Here's what yo do... Pick up single game tix, and check out the games from different seats with different folks all season long. As for the tailgate - pack a sub, some munchies and some beer and make your way on over to Pinto Ron's. I've never been to Buffalo home game (yet) but trust me, you'll have a good time.
  11. Thanks for that quote as I had no clue it existed. Also - I admire your manlove for Kelly.
  12. Yes, that is one school of though at play. The other is that if he turns out to be a flop, there is no other roster I would love to see him eat up cap space on than that of the Oakland Raiders. Their fans get so pumped up every year about guys like George, Moss, Gallery, Doss, SeaBass, Jordan, et al, and a every year it's the same old let down for these fools. It's so annoying out here...
  13. This is what you got for Prime Time matchups last season during week 15: Thursday Night - Denver/ Houston Saturday Night - Cinci/ SF Sunday Night - Washington/ NY Giants Monday Night - Chicago/ Minnesota Other than the Skins/ Giants game which I believe was flexed, you were fed a bunch of Primetime crap, and you watched it because it was football and it was on the idiot box that night. Other notable (flex worthy) games that week were: Dallas/ Philly - Rivalry week, right? Buffalo/ Cleveland - Wild card implications in a blizzard. Jacksonville/ Pittsburgh - Two playoff caliber teams. Spygate Part Two - NE still undefeated and the Mangini/ Bellichik soap opera. http://www.nfl.com/scores?season=2007&week=Week+15
  14. Right... All stacked right on top of each other...
  15. I personally like the idea, but I think the TV networks would try to crush it in favor of ratings and hype. Greedy bastards.
  16. I pray to God that the Draft Tek sim is dead on and the Raiders take him at #4.
  17. Thank you for handling my light-work. Thanks...
  18. I have come away from this post feeling less than enlightened.
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