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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Do you have a good fruit salad recipe that uses bacon grease? Thanks in advance.
  2. The way the lawas are these days, you could probably get one on a pogo stick.
  3. Why are your panties all in a wad? Are you just a dear friend?
  4. Nothing much, just sitting here at work, perfectly secure with my sexuality.
  5. ...my cowboy hat too. No homo ensemble is complete without the cowboy hat.
  6. It will allow you to sleep easier at night as well. Good for you.
  7. An old wive's tale says that you shouldn't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Be careful.
  8. Who's got time for poetry? I'm too busy pleasuring myself in my Pat Tillman room. Poetry is for wussies.
  9. Durbin likens Gitmo to a Gulag and our soldiers to NAZIs, but Rove tells the truth and the media is in a tizzy. Nice double standard.
  10. Regardless, the thought of potato salad, let alone warm potato salad is nauseating.
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