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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Glad to hear you are doing well bro. Soldier on!
  2. Give your average squid a rifle and the truth gets contorted and twisted like a pretzel. Some people just can't be humble...
  3. Dude, I think you need this. Seriously.
  4. I forgot he was alive until today. Wow, sometimes we take people for granted I guess, and that sucks. Prayers to his family and his fans.
  5. Man I love this guy. Not in a homo way like Pete loves Pat Tillman and Bill O Reilly, but still, I love this guy.
  6. ...who taught him how to cook.
  7. Isn't there a concert about that today or something? Advice - turn off your MTV.
  8. No, not elderberries, dingleberries.
  9. Thank the good Lord for Rowe Vs. Wade.
  10. Those omnidirectional farts of his are the worst. That miserable son of a biatch.
  11. You know what... Every morning I hear this owl in my neighborhood hooting and hollerin' away like he's king sh-- on turd island. Morning owls do exist and I can prove it.
  12. Our society is so very, very skewed. I say that we should let our boys do whatever the !@#$ they need to in order to defend themselves and in turn, defend us. Look people 9/11 happend for a reason and the sooner we realize that, the better. They [the bad people, yes, there are bad people out there] aren't playing fair... Why the !@#$ should we? Oh that's right... because the democraps have their sights set on the midterm elections. My bad. Hopefully this story goes away in the next couple of weeks because what's really important now is the SDOC's resignation and our beloved abortion laws. This story is history in the same manner that the crucifixion of Rumsfeld for his 'fight the war with the equipment you have' comments were overshadowed by the tsunami.
  13. Dude, what are you talking about? Your cell phone on? Oh yeah... 427 biatches.
  14. TD stunk up the bathroom at the golf course today. What a bastard. I couldn't hold it any longer...
  15. Cool. Maybe now we can stop calling our soldiers NAZIs. Well, at least for a little while...
  16. I'll go ahead and pass. Thanks anyway.
  17. I wouldn't do it bro. !@#$ that.
  18. Starting with this season of course... How many consecutive championships will the St. Louis Cardinals win?
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