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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Yeah, but I don't go cry and suck my thumb when people call me things...
  2. Nothing like sending your child off with the troop for a weekend (or whetever the Boy Scouts do in thier meetings) with Troop Masters (or whatever they call them) who don't know how to take care of a diabetic. My brother has been Type 1 since he was nine months old, and he missed out on a lot of things as a kid because of it. I highly doubt there are many Troop Masters out there who know when to give a diabetic a booster shot or when to give them sugar. My brother has gone through many reactions over the years and the thought of him having one to this day still scares the sh-- out me. It's cool to get mad and all, but couple this with today's sue happy society and you have a compelling case to keep diabetics out of the Scouts. I don't know what your particular case was, nor do I care, but you have to fair across the board... right?
  3. Where's Ed when we need to send a thread into orbit?
  4. Admittedly, I don't have any knowledge about the Scouts other than they exist and that the military likes Eagle Scouts. The allegiance to a higher power is similar to a lot of fraternal organizations that require the same. It's not an exercise in brainwashing or religious conversion, but rather a belief that you will be held accountable for your actions to a higher power.
  5. Didn't he go to San Diego and end up losing five straight?
  6. That's cool. Your father didn't care about what was on your mind, so why should you care about what is on your own child's mind. Keep laughing.
  7. It's in the second line. How sad.
  8. Sure. Everyone is dumb.
  9. I don't know how many kids make 10 hour car rides on a routine basis, but the dumb kids I've been around (namely my little cousins, nephews, and nieces - thanks for calling my family dumb by the way) have to watch the DVD even if we are driving ten minutes down the road to go to dinner or lunch. Lost is the chance to actually engage your child in conversation. Instead, they are locked onto that little video screen. The kids have a backpack that they take evrywhere with thier gameboys and game cartridges in them. I'm not sure how much literacy has been improved by gameboys. What kid saves up thier allownace for a new lego set? How many are saving up for the newest video game? Do kids even work for allowance anymore? Oh my bad, here I go sounding like my parents again.
  10. As you can see Rich, I've been cooking for a bunch of Marines.
  11. Long gone are the days of kids actually going outside to play things like baseball, frisbee, or simply to go ride thier bikes around the neighborhood. Now all kids want to do is play the latest and greatest video game and sit on the couch watching a DVD or Spongebob. What ever happened to jigsaw puzzles, Legos, and Hot wheels? Take the kids in the car and you better have one of those seatback DVD screens or one of those portable gameboy thingies. If not, the kid is complaing the whole way down the road. Oh yeah, unless you want to get a restraining order preventing you from seeing your kids... don't even think about spanking them. As soon as thier teacher finds out, you are toast.
  12. So why do I have to ask the question twice?
  13. Typical Chicot answer. Let me ask this another way: When these types of bombings are carried out in Israel, who is more likely to get hurt or killed? Is your answer still Muslims?
  14. And when it happens in Israel????
  15. If a lapdog avatar doesn't scream homosexuality, I don't know what does. Why are you exposing us to your alternative lifestyle here in a public forum?
  16. Dude, were talking to me? Yes I've been quite a few times... thank you very much. What is wrong with you man?
  17. Standing right beside you and your countrymen Nick.
  18. This is what we use in the military. Here's what DHS says to do at each level. At some point we all have to use our imagination on this and try to think like the attackers would think. In my mind, the most vulnerable are those waiting around for the government to tell them what to do.
  19. Yeah, it's such a pain in the ass.
  20. Pssst... there ARE words associated with the colors.
  21. Right. Does THREATCON CHARLIE work better for you?
  22. I saw him on a show on the Military Channel a couple of weeks ago. He was very well spoken and hardly the man we saw in those debates. RIP Admiral.
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