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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. You guys are all in left field. Laura is way hotter than Hillary. Leave the daughters out of it. But like that dumbass in Biloxi Blues, I have that strange urge to nail Hillary. Just for the hell of it ya know...
  2. Yeah, but she definitely has her sh-- together.
  3. I can't belive that Stuart Scott didn't get the gig... What a Chizump.
  4. Hopefully they will accelerate efforts to replace the aging piece of crap.
  5. Gag. Madden is a joke, but the broken leg wonder is anything but an upgrade.
  6. You gotta go man. I just did the same thing in April for my cousin, but I would do it again for any number of my friends who wanted me to be thier best man.
  7. The Comeback - Riech to Reed for 16 yd TD on 4th and 1. Bruce Smith Safety in XXV. Thurman, Holmes each get 100 yards in win against Redskins. 1996
  8. Bill Rogers should top that list of runners.
  9. Up here in San Jose they just finished building a new one across the street from Jame Lick High School (of Jim Plunkett fame). They tore down a Liquor store and a boxing studio to make room for it and I was amazed by it when I passed by the other day. Cruz Library
  10. 1. A trained monkey who has retired from the space program. 2. Other team is given home made brownies from 'mom' containing ex lax. 3. J. Giles Band - Freeze Frame 4. Erection. 5. Wacka, Howard Dean
  11. From EC Bills to Rich: "If you're such the antithesis of the liberals you describe above, why don't you get off your ass and go over?" My point - Rich has already done his time unlike this slacker, and there is no reason on earth that Rich should volunteer again. I know you guys don't particularly care for Rich's views and I'm totally cool with that. My point to EC Jacknuts is that Rich has done his time, come up with something better to respond to him with.
  12. 1. Nobody, because there won't be one. E$PN will be broadcasting the 'World Series of Lawn Darts' in 2021 an the world will have forgotten all about this lame ass poker phase we are in right now. 2. Instead of a team prayer, they sacrifice a young lamb. 3. Hall and Oats - Private Eyes. 4. Male induced orgasm. 5. Chicot, Democratic Iraq
  13. 1. Tom Donahoe and Eva Longoria's love child. 2. The will have been matched up against the NFC. 3. Anything by Wham! 4. Orgasm. 5. ALL, NASCAR
  14. I am so tired of this lame ass cop out that you guys always want to use. "I respect Rich for serving our great country, but... but... but..." Or "we support our troops, but... but... but..." It's all bull$hitt and I'm tired of hearing it. If you did respect Rich and his service, you never would have told him to get off his ass and head on over to Iraq. Rich was on watch during a time when I was still growing up, and now I'm on watch in his place. If you had any idea of the sacrifices he has made, you never would have thought of posting such redidulous nonsense. Does this make any sense to you or do you still want to bicker with him because he called you out for being a couch potato? If you guys really do support your troops, why don't you listen to us when we get back from over there and tell you what a difference we are making? Why is it that when we speak highly of the operation you guys want to ignore what we are saying because it contradicts you own personal views that Bush is an a-hole? Don't you free thinkers at least owe us a chance to engage your 'open minds'? So when ARE you going to get off the couch?
  15. Who got the better end of the Travis Henry trade: The Tennessee Titans or Buffalo area school girls?
  16. Mick - there is no way in hell that I can get into a conversation with you in legalese, so I won't even waste your time while simultaneously embarrasing myself. My question to you however is that if there is no such entity as 'legislating from the bench', then how do you explain the behaviors of our lawmakers? They seem to be pretty worked up right now and it's much to do with abortion. A few examples: There is no doubt in anyone's mind that this will be the centerpiece issue during this confirmation. I haven't had time to read JGR's opinion where he stated that he felt Roe Vs. Wade was decided wrongly, but maybe that would be a better topic to discuss rather than our forefathers' intentions for the unborn. I mean crap, they didn't even anticipate the extension of these rights to blacks...
  17. As ususal when I read your posts, I am lost. I still haven't quite figured out if you are asking questions or making points??? My bad??? ?? ? As much as I respect your father, I can seperate his service and contributions to our Nation from your political views. Feel free to mock Rich's contributions to our Armed Forces, but also realize that he took the oath and stepped up in place of folks like you. Flame away??? ? And I hate smileys... ?? ?
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