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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. And where is responsible journalism when you need it?
  2. I'll do anything to avoid furnishing my house with thier crap.
  3. Has he ever golfed Tom Brady? That's when I'll start to worry...
  4. This is the last guy on the planet that Annan wanted appointed to this post. Standby... because sh-- is going to get interesting in a hurry.
  5. That's the winning answer. Everything in that store is garbage.
  6. Can you ever stay on topic? Or do have to post every time with your lateset and greatest regurgitated soundbite? There's that skilsaw again...
  7. How many Americans even cared about the space program prior to Columbia's destruction? My guess - not many. So why are we making such a big deal about this?
  8. We're gonna go to Tampa and N'Orlans and Oakland and Foxboro and San Diego and Miami and the Natti and New Jersey and ... YEEEEE-AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
  9. If a man speaks in the forrest and there is no woman there to hear him, is he still automatically wrong?
  10. During the shuttle's reentry, why do they call it a de-orbit burn?
  11. Will there be any issues with Discovery's 'themal tiles' during de-orbit?
  12. Wow - a little stability at the top might be beneficial...
  13. Man you make me want to move out to Cactus County (wherever the hell that is) and live the simple life. You really do make me want to be a hick afterall. This isn't about the money (kablingy) that you seem to be fixated on. It's about his loyalty to a friend and his own plans for going to visit some friends he met five years ago in India. Throw the wife out of the equation, because she wasn't the one that went to India, nor is she the potential best man. It's his decision and if he has made up his mind that he is going to India, then that's the end of this thread. Obviously though, he has himself a good enough buddy that he is considering cancelling the trip to India, in order to fulfill his best man duties. Most of the people here are concerned about the 'kablingy' but my guess is that tey have very few friends that would make any kind of sacrifice for them. That's no way to go through life.
  14. I fully understand where you and Cincy are coming from. I'm just trying to be your evil guilty concience in thos thread, because that is ultimately what you will have to live with. I say make up your mind and execute your plan, never mentioning another word here.
  15. So I would take it that you can retire at 62. Damn that sucks as we lost a few folks (senior enlisted) in my unit because they were approching sixty. They could pass the PRT, but the age thing handcuffed them.
  16. And that's exactly what my brother and his wife did at my cousin's wedding in April. Coronado Island is not a cheap place to spend a week...
  17. You know what... I'm reading a bunch of this garbage in this thread and I am happy to not have a lot of you for my friends. Really. This dude obviously thinks enough of RTDB to ask him to be his best man. Enough said. If I'm RTDB, I reply with, "I'm there, wow, thanks" and that's the end of conversation. I have two brothers and they will no doubt be my best men someday. If I didn't have any brothers and had to rely upon my best friend to fill in, I would fully expect him to do as much, because if the roles were reversed, he knows that I would be there for him. Take the vacation with the wife the following year.
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