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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. I hate it when that happens.
  2. He was an ass. Who cares?
  3. I can't believe I was dumb enough to even check this thread out. Damn, I've been had again.
  4. My bad, I thought you were a special ops type who understood that not everything going on out there is public knowledge. I must have mistaken you for some other self-loving blowhard. Instead of proving your ignorance in this matter, why don't you just sit back and learn? Is it that difficult for your ego to let go? Get a grip my man, and quit making an ass out of yourself. Or... continue on.
  5. It's this simple: Operator vs. Operations Planner. You lose AKC.
  6. Things might be a little different if AR had the entire wieght of his franchise placed on his shoulders. I wish the kid success, but the article is a tad much.
  7. I haven't seen the footage. Only parroting what I heard this morning and didn't think these guys would make it up. Anyone else think that there might be a stunt to improve ratings for such a dismal show?
  8. I don't like Eli either.
  9. I'm not saying that they aren't. Every single nomination until the end of time itself will center around abortion. Sad, but true. That being said, I highly doubt that Roberts was chosen because of his two adopted children. I think it had more to do with his view on the RvW ruling itself (his words - decided wrongly) and his age.
  10. You mean the far right is attacking a right leaning moderate? Who would have thought that would have ever happened? No offense to Wacka, but Free Republic can go the way of the horse buggy for all I care. I'm not interested in the blowhard angle from either side. Didn't you know? Adoption infringes on a womans right to choose, and should only be considered as a last resort... Just read a little into the silliness of Gant's post.
  11. And then there is this: Israeli soldier kills four Arab bus passengers. Sharon calls for recognizing Shfaram shooting as terror attack
  12. Yeah for real. I can't believe these a-holes who seemingly try to demonize adoption. !@#$ the pro-choice crowd.
  13. Just what I heard on a politically neutral radio show this morning. I had the same initial reaction.
  14. Left out of the story is that Carville faked a swing to his nuts. What do you do when someone takes a stab at yours?
  15. Some sh-- in life just aint fair.
  16. Talk about an article ripe with speculation....
  17. This story peaked my interest the first time I heard it, but now I'm tired of hearing about it.
  18. Game on. It's about time someone put the supporters of extremism on notice. Maybe someday we will learn to do the same, but I doubt it will be anytime soon. Drastic times call for drastic measures and I wish Bush had the sac to follow his lead. To hell with the ACLU and thier likes, as there is a clear difference between political dissent and incitement of terror.
  19. They are stupid if they put Alex Smith behind that line on opening day. I hate the 49ers and thier crappy ass fans and wish them eternal misery, but I think Mike Nolen is a class act who will eventually bring credibility to the organization.
  20. Totally agree, both oragnizations are tops.
  21. NASA TV. Football expert Eileen Collins is going to do the color commentary live from Discovery . Well, almost live cosidering the TDRS bounces.
  22. Hide in the wheel well of the aircraft and hope you don't end up like one of those corpses they find every now and again. Or just friggin go to Orbitz and book way in advance. I booked San Jose to Tampa for $275 on American.
  23. Yeah, it's not like he's a little frustrated with the whole situation ya know... Pro Bowl running back, drug charges, incarceration... Not to mention the struggling young QB...
  24. Get a grip. I wasn't aware that Collins was an expert in environmental pseudo science. You're free to believe otherwise however.
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