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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. $45 is less than my last trip to the gas station.
  2. Hey guys - Hollywood will be here momentarily to answer all of your questions.
  3. Unfortunately I think I can predict the next two posts in this thread...
  4. Hopefully the rain will wash the first few layers of urine and vomit off the sidewalks in the French Quarter. We can only hope.
  5. Yes - they laugh and snicker at those who are intellectually inferior to them. Which... is just about everyone.
  6. Dump her. Animated soft porn is so eighties...
  7. Don't forget daylight savings time. I believe you are -4 right now.
  8. Bradley says Kent in his own world, lacks leadership Yeah, Jeff Kent is a racist and beyond that he's just a flat out !@#$. No surprises there. I'm not sure what Bradley is getting at specifically here but I don't understand why he feels that Kent needs to treat black players differently. I'm sure he treats everyone like scum regardless of ethnicity. It kind of reminds me of my time in the military. I treated everyone like a shipmate regardless of what ethnicity they were. Some of my friends however would talk differently around black people and act differently just the same. If I was black I would interpret that behavior as both condescending and insulting.
  9. "Where are all the Virgins? If it has been done already, sorry. No way was I going to read the whole thread. Maybe tomorrow when I'm at work...
  10. I tried to watch the opening game with you guys last year at Blind Melon, but the burnout bartenders couldn't get the game on. Waited for about a half an hour or so and then jammed to another bar up the street. What's up with that? Is it going to be different this year? I saw one homer there with a Buffalo Range shirt on, so I chalked it up to that.
  11. This just in: All States Fatter but One. It sucks to be you Alabamy.
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