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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. It's nice to see another environmental expert chime in and fan the flames hatred. At one point I thought this was an attempt at satire, but I'm not so sure anymore. I highly doubt that the enviromentalists could possibly see any satire in this, so why should I? I especially like the Pat Robertson reference (see last week's headlines) as he is no icon of mine. “For They That Sow the Wind Shall Reap the Whirlwind”
  2. If Flowers can be brought in for the vet minimum.... Gag.
  3. This dude is going to become the most ridiculed bust since Ryan Leaf. He almost has the potential to best him.
  4. Who do you think would give up two 1sts for him? Serious question here.
  5. I could understand your point if I was trashing Dr. Z's football knowledge, but I wasn't. Nor was I calling him an idiot based on his football knowledge. Ya see, last year in one of his columns during the weeks leading up to the election, he swore that he'd move to New Zealand if Bush got re-elected. OK, cool. I don't know why you read his columns, but I wasn't reading his football column to get his opinion of our President. Rather I was reading his column to get his opinion on that week in the NFL. Make sense? Lamb chops - what's for dinner.
  6. Has Dr. Z moved to New Zealand yet? Until then, he'd nothing but a blowhard.
  7. Just in time for the last weekend of the summer.
  8. And they were still able to take Kelsay in the 2nd round.
  9. You amaze me once again. Did you happen to read past the opening paragraph? I highly doubt it.
  10. At first I was thinking it would be a way to keep retatta posts isolated from those of us who have week stomachs and who gag on mere mention. But your ideas work too.
  11. I guess it's safe to assume that we'll never see a silent thread for retatta around this place.
  12. The AC is used a lot more than people think, it's not just when you have the dial set to 'AC'. On my 2001, I have only one setting - Panel - that doesn't use the AC at least partially in maintaining the desired temp.
  13. I'll start when we start drilling in the ANWR.
  14. Great idea if you want her to vomit on you. That's a weird fettish man...
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