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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Undo the stupidity of giving Vieques back to Puerto Rico. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
  2. I'm just being cynical about how the world was critiacal of us when we weren't doing 'enough' for the Tsunami relief effort. Quit being so rigid Peter.
  3. Exactly what I was thinking. Who would ever build there again, or buy a house?
  4. I love how the kid at the end lines up and yells, "do it to me."
  5. I thought it was funny too, and that's why I took at shot at Tom and his lame ass post. Maybe I wasn't clear enough...
  6. Which believe it or not explains our current war on terror. The overt campaign should have started a deacade ago, but that pesky twenty-second amendment put Clinton's precieved legacy between a rock and a hard place.
  7. Nah, I usually avoid your threads believe it or not. The one that just got whacked though I couldn't resist. Sorry that I carried that one over here, but come on man, we have the greatest military on the planet and at times it may seem that they can work miracles, but even we have or limitations. You of all people should not have such thin skin. It comes with the territory Mr. 14K posts.
  8. Yep, a plane or two would have put a serious dent in the hunger and dehydration the good folks of N.O. are experiencing right now. Nothing like underestimating mother nature and the magnitude of the event we have just witnessed.
  9. You want to know what's even more jacked up? My service jacket is in N.O. All of my orders (I've got some due this week) get approved through N.O. and it seems like most anything to do with life after active duty Navy comes out of N.O. I think I'm (along with a few others mind you) screwed man...
  10. Tell that to the Cindy Sheenan and her dead son... Hey Tom -
  11. Man, I used to hate it when we'd be in after a month at sea and some damn hurricane would cruise in and we'd have to sortie. I was single but I always felt for the guys who had to leave thier families behind to weather it out while we did Mo Board and Fleet Tac drills to kill a week at sea steaming around the storm. I haven't really checked but have you seen any reports on Ingalls in Pascagula?
  12. Too bad I can't haul my dirtbike around in those types of vehicles. Nor can I take them to the mountains on hunting and snowboarding trips. I guess I'll just have to just give up my hobbies and hang out on the internet surfing porn my whole life.
  13. Excellent idea. That way - Bush could kill every woman's child and the Cindy Sheehan's of the world would just go away.
  14. No, that one is going to miss us. 1950 DA however is still on track, and Bush is doing nothing about it, and instead taking month long vacations... Someday our great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren will be cursing Bush and his self serving cronies.
  15. I'm cool with that provided we start building more nuclear reactors for generation of electricity. Had you actually read Bush's energy plan, you wouldn't be talking out of your ass right now.
  16. Looks like it's time for a 'gas prices' forum as well...
  17. NBF - Check out this nifty little feature.
  18. So close on this one CTM. NBT uses a swab in the galley.
  19. Another one slips away... Damn you TD!
  20. It's pretty historically accurate. I hope that changes this year though...
  21. They might as well get rid of it as far as I'm concerned. No coach who wants to keep his job is going to go for two to win the game by a point. He's going to make the call for the kick and try to win it in OT. Where is the life changing excitment in that?
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