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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Do you think he's going to score a receiving touchdown or two? If so, go for it. If not, go with the other three. I don't know how your league works, but I would assume that TDs count more than simply racking up yards.
  2. When will all the Retatta jokes stop? Talk about beating a dead horse over and over and over and over...
  3. Atlanta has the best D out of those four opponents. Start everyone but Westbrook.
  4. Please tell me you don't actually pray for a football team.
  5. I guess you didn't see the numbers that Cory Dillon put up last night. His first half stats are especially impressive...
  6. I really don't care how many he gets provided the Bills win. It's a team sport.
  7. Good thing you guys got rid of Bernie Kerik when you had the chance too. I can't really think of too many other people more qualified for something like this, but whatever...
  8. Norv Turner fits the Al Davis lap dog mold, and that is why he's thier head coach.
  9. I started Trent Green over Brady this week and I hope I don't end up regretting that come Monday. Brady had a damn solid game last night.
  10. There's nothing down home about where Tom Brady is from - San Mateo. Trust me.
  11. Gotta have the tobasco. I think the Beef Terryaki comes with powdered chili and it's pretty good too. Everyone hates the vegie crackers, but I think they're pretty good.
  12. Good: Beef with Mushrooms Bean Burrito Country Captain Chicken Pasta in Alfredo Chili Mac Bad: Pasta with Vegetables Beef Stew Beef Patty Pork Chop
  13. No sweat, we all do the same thing from time to time. It's just the nature of the medium.
  14. Yeah, because hurricanes didn't exist until the industrial revolution.
  15. Yeah, just like Mike in Syracuse last night using cookie cutter after cookie cutter, and then putting himself in the same sentence as Alaska Darin. I could swear he could give blzrul a run for her money.
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