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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. You must be on cloud nine today considering this coupled with Bledsoe's performance. Jerk.
  2. Like Norv Turner, Capers should have spent more time in HS ball too. Great post.
  3. Glad you guys had a good time. How come the money from the raffle didn't go to Hunter's Hope? Just curious...
  4. I didn't see the game, but what about: Aiken on ST Schneck Posey How did they look?
  5. Miami pummeled Denver and SF is all over St. Louis and playing inspired ball. I think he'll look good in a Cleveland uni.
  6. Next week is going to be one tough game. I had to watch the damn Vikes/ Bucs game as it was the only one on here. Cadillac will be a force to be reckoned with and the defense looked good. Griese settled in after throwing two pics (one for score) and threw two TDs to the rookie Clayton. EDIT - I meant Smith, not Clayton. Next week is by no means a gimme folks.
  7. Are Lindel's kickoffs as good as they look on on the play by play on gamecenter?
  8. Here's how the Jets D started the season: Drive: 3 plays, 75 yards in 1:21. ATT YDS TD LG P. Holmes 2 40 0 35 L. Johnson 1 35 1 35
  9. No, I'm watching the latest on Katrina on the Fox pre-game show. Did you know they had a flood in New Orleans? Wow.
  10. I wish I was at the Brit with you bro. I hate my job.
  11. C'mon man, we could have messed with his fantasy owners a tad longer.
  12. I know some of you are remembering those we lost four years ago today by getting in a quick view of Fahrenheit 911, so I apologize in advance for interrupting. But since you dropped Cindy Sheehan like a used baby wipe in wake of the opportunity that Katrina offered you to bash our President, I just thought I'd give a quick update on her latest antics. Sheehan criticizes Feinstein.
  13. God Bless you my friend, and I'm honored to call you my friend. Keep up the good fight, we're all behind you bro.
  14. Just wait until tomorrow night when the game starts at 6 and is over by 9:30.
  15. You can hotbunk without being a meat gazer. Just ask any submariner.
  16. Are you going to be able to fix her again?
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