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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. I'm thinking he could go to: St. Louis Seattle Houston Minnesota
  2. Yeah, throw a dead deer in that thing and you can roll for days...
  3. Shanahan is golden, and there is no way he gets canned. The Broncos need a QB, and the sooner they part ways with Plummer the better.
  4. The witch hunt shifted to Brown and this is old news. Where you been man? In a cave?
  5. What are you doing here wasting time when you should be on a beer run... Good luck man.
  6. It has been a very effective tactic at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib.
  7. Not a criticism of Mr. Gore there Coach, but I'm tired of playing the politics card with a natural disaster like this. You may not be so tired of it, but I am. Carry on.
  8. Yeah, like a teachers strike has never happened before... Get real.
  9. Not sure if you saw the "just curious" part of my post or not, but I was under the impression that Hunter's Hope was the unofficial official charity of TSW. It just seems that in times like this, people rush to donate to the big causes while the other noble causes out there take the back burner. Both of those charities you mentioned are good ones as well. I hope Katrina hasn't taken a portion of money that would have otherwise gone to these others.
  10. It's kinda cool watching the late game while it's still light outside, isn't it? And as much as as I hate to admit it, Stojan is right.
  11. Are you referring to JP's footwork? If not, I don't understand your post.
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