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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Yeah, I'm sure he was still hungover from the Super Bowl. TD could have at least given him a day or two more to recover, but I guess he knows best. And if it was a money issue, then that just blows.
  2. TD's biggest mistake to date is his failure to hire Marvin Lewis when he had the chance. Cincy's success has not surprised me one bit and I hope they go deep in the playoffs this year.
  3. I don't understand why these guys have to talk so much trash to eachother between plays. Childish is putting it lightly.
  4. Why do the media idiots like Rome, still give this guy play?
  5. That's the TBD spirit. Come to think of it, I haven't heard anything either.
  6. Yeah, but you still have to put more points on the board than your opponent.
  7. I setting the bar a tad low to begin with... but I totally agree with you.
  8. I'm going to remain skeptical until the offense has thier first two-touchdown game.
  9. How about: The Bills win the Super Bowl from now until forever. Then I'll be as happy as the Peter Pan homo guy.
  10. This board will go nuts if the Bills trade away Antonio Gates...
  11. Exactly. I'm growing less and less impressed with the Tom and Tom show with each passing season.
  12. Nice. I preidict SDS does away with OT board by week eleven and replaces it with a suicide prevention board.
  13. US Airways just merged with the biggest POS airline on the planet - America West.
  14. I wonder if Hartwell felt bad for Shuan Alexander last week at this time: nfl.com game recap
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