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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Invite Catalana here so that Erynthered can rip him a new a-hole.
  2. Appears to be a Rob Johnson reference? No? Didn't bother to log in and read it...
  3. But... all abortion is good... so long as no man gets to dictate what a woman is going to do with her body.
  4. He's not as dumb as you think bro.
  5. Hello - Earth to all of you liberal dumbasses - Hello - Bush has pissed off his conservative base with BOTH of his recent nominees. The far right wingers are pissed, but you guys are far too partisan (lefty) to see that. No one is going to overturn R. v W. so go ahead and get over that already. The sooner you libs realize that, and the sooner the Democrats in general do, the sooner we can go about the business of our country. Bush has sent a clear signal that he is going to let you have your beloved abortions. You win. Can we move forward now? Please?
  6. You guys are gross. No pun intended.
  7. That was such a pimp move. Vick for LT and Brees. Damn that was pimp.
  8. Who's laughing at the Bungles these days? Who's laughing at the Bills these days?
  9. Marvin Lewis. Dammit.
  10. That really worked out well, didn't it.
  11. Couldn't agree with you more.
  12. Keep underestimating Denver and the AFC west in general. Really. I wish you were in my Pick 'em league. So in your mind, next week is the 'unofficial' Super Bowl for the Bills. Should they lose to the fins, is that the point in which you yourself will jump off the bandwagon? Jam.
  13. After seeing that I pic, I totally understand and publicaly apologize. Whoa... Sorry bro.
  14. That's the spirit of this thread. Right on. I have no idea what just happened because I'm not watching the game, but I hope this kid is OK.
  15. If it wasn't for negative publicity, TD would have no publicity at all these days. That's why this !@#$ing thread will never die.
  16. So did Cottrell, so did us fans.
  17. Just try to keep it in perspective bro. Peters is a freak of nature and hands down the most talented player pound for pound (literaly) on this team...
  18. Yeah, it was loyalty at stake there. Props to Wade as he stood his ground and still took the old man's money in the end. He did a hell of a job with Atlanta's defense and with the team in general when Reeves got sh!ttcanned. I think there is one word that can sum up the Bills since the end of the Kelly era - uncertainty. Uncertainty at GM, HC, QB, ST (not applicable this year), OL, RB (also not applicable this year), and just for Dan Gross - owner.
  19. Aint nothing wrong with that.
  20. Good point man as they have been the butt of many a joke about that.
  21. Wow, that's just as amazing as Jason Peters having more touchdowns than Moulds and Evans and Reed and Aiken and Smith and Wilson and Campbell and Neufeld combined.
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