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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Well, Fletcher and Milloy are members of the Bills' overrated defensive unit ya know... The water boy is a loser too. I guess he couldn't cut it as a bat boy...
  2. Thanks for pointing this out Mick, as I'm not the type of guy who frequents 'gay news' sites. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  3. Yes, it sucks to be three hours behind these days.
  4. I almost forgot about that 'tard. Excellent post.
  5. I would think the unis are professionally tailored to each athlete. I highly doubt it's a choice of: XXL XXXL XXXXL M (Parrish Only)
  6. I'm with you, but didn't Willis get his first start against the Dolphins last year and tear it up?
  7. Yeah, because that was Flutie's rookie year too... Great call.
  8. I really don't understand why you are so certain that he will lose. He'll definately carry Florida and that's a state with a considerable amount of electoral votes. The blue states will vote blue, the red states will vote red and that's a given. I'm intrigued that without even knowing who his opponent will be, you already know what states will be the swing states and how they will swing. You are on it man. Low blow about his daughter man. It's folks like you that contibute to our current state of politics of destruction. I'd say that Jeb did a pretty good job with Geoge P. but why should I even waste my time stooping to your level? I infer from your statement that your family is perfect.
  9. 1950 DA is on it's way...
  10. Well since the Dems/ blacks have made 'crisis management' the hot button issue of the day, I can't think of two more qualified individuals for President than Giuliani or Jeb. Think about and and reap what you sow you partisian pieces of stojan.
  11. But the whacky left hold the Word of God and thier view of government so sacred that they demand such a sparation of Church and state. Just go ask Mickey to repeat his age old diatribe... again. Can the Debster possibly add any more garbage to her hate line, I mean to her sig line?
  12. Crazy. Of the guys I've met (and had actual conversations with): Ronnie Lott - awesome. Chet Brooks (do a google) - awesome. Charles Haley - Cheap bastard who only tipped two bucks at the Milpitas Red Lobster way back when. Tim Harris - miserable drunk. Tried to kick my ass one time when I was wearing my Moulds jersey and told him he looked like Mike Williams. He didn't like that.
  13. What did they say about Jimmie Johnson admitting that he crashed Elliot Sadler going into one on lap 20 of 188?
  14. Yeah, as much as the media hates that dude, they sure give him a ton of airtime. What a friggin joke. "Today is the tenth anniversary of O.J.'s aquittal." Shouldn't only the scumbag lawyers be celebrating October 3rd?
  15. You know, I was watching some video tape of the STS-25/ 51-L launch just the other night. I could swear, that just before liftoff, I saw a plume of smoke come out of the starboard SRB and I think that was probably an o-ring failure. I know it's not related to the topic of this thread, but it was just something I was thinking about.
  16. That's the spirit Kellen... I mean TKO.
  17. You had to call me out, didn't you?
  18. You watch too many movies.
  19. My first thought was youg QB and growing pains, then QB controversy... like you... we all know the rest. Also - I'm thinking Cowart is just trying to pump his guys up and get them motivated. The reason I say that is because if I remember right, Cowart was the first pick for the Bills in '98 in the second round as they traded thier first rounder to Jacksonville for Johnson. Interesting that a rookie with three games in the NFL would have such a deep perspective of the locker room. Of course I could be all wrong here.
  20. Say what? I couldn't tell. Not at all...
  21. See how you are? How are those attack cats doing? Seven of them? Man I hope you're married... BTW - good one.
  22. Mine's a Marlin with a synthetic stock, blued. Easy to load in the dark, and easy to shoulder in tight spots. Man, do I love shooting that thing.
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