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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Not sure why you have chosen .500 as your benchmark here, but if anything, .625 (10-6) should be the line in the sand if the NFL were to institute one. Still, I think it's a lame idea because the owners have all agreed to this and they were the ones who also agreed to the current divisional alignment. Some knew they were in weak divisions, some knew they were in powerhouse divisions. Suck it up and deal with it. I would root like hell for a sub-.500 team. Man that would be great to watch a team $20M under the cap sneak in and run the table.
  2. Don't forget about the homos like erynthered, T-80, and VABills...
  3. I usually get two singles and two chocolate shakes and skip the fries because they suck.
  4. Yeah, I agree with you. The show is really good and I'm a guy who hates everything FOX. I like Chris Meyers and I like the show because they cover more NASCAR than any other show out here in the Bay Area. Cox has his moments (like this week when he told a caller off and dismissed him as a 'nobody' talking to a 'somebody') but overall he's pretty good. He makes a few gramerical errors but besides AD and CTM, who doesn't? Cox will be all kind of pissed off today when they talk about the Cards tanking last night. I think Cardinal Nation is on suicide watch today...
  5. Bird owners are socially inept retards.
  6. Don't forget their, they're, and there.
  7. It must really suck to live in Green Bay.
  8. I give a lot of credit to Bush, because Al Gore never would have allowed that camera angle in that photo - it would have exposed his bald spot.
  9. From what I understand, he was there as a personal advisor to OJ. Something about being a celebrity that everyone hates...
  10. Sounds like something I would say, but I digress. The real reason they won is because I was in Pismo and not with you guys at The Brit. See you Sunday.
  11. But he's bored today and tired of griping about the Bills.
  12. JP KH Sorry folks, but this week was already written in the stars.
  13. If the Bills continue down this path, you'll have season tix in like two or three years man. I'll fly down a couple times to catch a few games with you every year. This could really work out for us man.
  14. What would the cap hit be if TD released the entire team and started rebuilding?
  15. Now, now, don't posting comments that make you look like a marginal fan... We don't need another thread about all that nonsense again.
  16. I thought age discrimination was against the law.
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