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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Does this mean that kids at the Monza street fair can no longer chuck ping pong balls into goldfish bowls to win them and take them home in plastic baggies? That sucks.
  2. I have to disagree. Sierra Nevada and Jack on the rocks are going to put the fun back in losing.
  3. Game This would be better after having a couple (OK, many), but it's still cool.
  4. The Chargers screwed all that up by actually putting together a decent team. The San Diego bandwagon is in full swing now, and that team isn't going anywhere.
  5. Actually, I have wanted Saddam Hussein removed from power since the Fall of 1994 when I was surge deployed to the Persain Gulf as a member of the George Washington Battle Group (MED 2-94). Saddam did something really stupid during that time that you might want to google someday. I know you like to paint all of us warmongers with a single broad brush, but you're only fooling yourself. I guess when we got back from deployment I should have talked my mother into tying herself to the retaining fence in front of the White House grounds in protest of Clinton's actions/ cowardness. Yeah, that would have gotten our message across.
  6. It will be the Raiders. Their stadium is a POS and their fans don't have the money to attend the games. It's a no-brainer.
  7. Don't go bathing with the toaster just yet amigo...
  8. I thought the last one was the JAX game in '03. Haven't verified it, but that's the last one I can remember.
  9. Oh, I thought it was the pustules. Glad to hear otherwise.
  10. Great time yesterday guys. Thanks for everything Mark. How much crap did you guys take from the degenerate Raider fans today? A few guys were talking a little but it was nothing like I was expecting. Must be because they all avoided me last week...
  11. How's the weather down yonderway?
  12. Yeah, a whole nine minutes had elapsed. Great catch.
  13. Bumping you own lame attempt at a joke is retarded.
  14. I live amongst the Raider Nation. Trust me, they're worried.
  15. As always, I have nothing of use to add to this thread. I just couldn't pass up an opportunity to be a part of it though.
  16. Turn over a new leaf and shampoo with this.
  17. That dude Gene hooked us up despite that boytoy Kelly with the face paint.
  18. Ahem... Mark VI, and Kelly the Fox News Loving Dog.
  19. Sorry about that Cindy, but it's pale in comparrison to what we're going to be up against in Oaktown on Sunday. My buddy is a season ticket owner and he's seen fans of the opposing teams get their outhouse tipped over. That is a no-chitter.
  20. Another alert - Willis we be on Rome sometime next week, Romie announced it at the close of his show today. Let's all hope Villis doesn't lay a fat egg on Sunday as Buffalo Area sports fans got a lot of run this week.
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