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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. You would get your ass kicked by a 100 pound girl.
  2. Truth be told, this is the smartest thing these owners could have done. I really don't understand all the manlove for Jaimie McMurray as the kid has won ONE friggin race in his career. The 42 isn't a bad ride by any means, especially with the 40 as a teammate, but whatever. I don't know what the !@#$ is going on at Joe Gibbs Racing, but it's evident that Labonte needs to jam. The 20 seems unstopable and the 11 has been on a tear with Hamlin in the cockpit. The 11 should really make some noise next year with Hamlin full time. Where does that leave the 18? Probably with J.J. Yeley as the driver next year. I hate to see it because Labonte and Gibbs have been together so long, but damn, there's no way that they should be winless in back to back seasons. That is just !@#$ing crazy considering their history.
  3. Have your wife dress up as Mrs. Brewskeeter for the extra double whammy.
  4. The same place that all the guys who lead every single lap and win every single race are ranked. The fans can't get enough...
  5. Would he be the first black quarterback inducted? Along those lines it will be interesting to see if Moon gets the nod.
  6. Who exactly are you trying to impress?
  7. Yeah, he simply walked across.
  8. Gay.
  9. Why didn't you get ahold of Vaderr50 during the Raider game? BTW - Drudge Report...
  10. How long have you been a Jeff Gordon fan?
  11. The mainstream media could save us a lot of time if they only announced who the heterosexuals are anymore.
  12. Going riding this weekend, will be listening to it on the radio on the way home.
  13. This makes so much sense to me. Great post.
  14. I know the general opinion of Bryon Cox around here isn't very favorable. That being said, he had a lot to say about this today and it was basically a non-issue to him. He compared it to Dusty Baker's comments a while back where Dusty said that blacks are better suited for playing in the heat. He agreed that we [society] are too PC and this whole story is way overblown. The dude filling in for Chris Meyers was the one making a big deal about it acting like it was the end of the world and all. What a blowhard that dude is. He reminded me so much of every other white person I know who goes out of thier way to treat black people extra special instead of simply treating them as equals. If you are white and you want everyone to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are not a racist, shut your mouth and let your actions speak for themselves.
  15. We have a winner!!!!
  16. Don't you remember any of JP-era's posts?
  17. Proof that female whales are not Marines:
  18. An ultrasound also confirmed that Cheryl Swoops is in fact a dyke.
  19. Lamont Jordan. Was there any doubt?
  20. Dr. Z said it well today:
  21. T-Bone is VABills.
  22. Yeah, don't drink it at room temp. Either drink it on the rocks or keep the bottle in the freezer.
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