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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. I didn't hear about him until the other day. Was he teammates with Mr. Wonderful - Paul Orndorff?
  2. Yes. Let's take down as much of the current Administration as possible. GO MICK!
  3. Here we go with the old trump card. Damn, you sound like a Raider fan, especially on a night that your team is getting schooled.
  4. Is Melissa-West Seneca the token black chick? It's kind of hard to tell.
  5. Donahoe is in the wrong profession as he can spew spin better than Carville and Limbaugh combined.
  6. BING! BING! BING! BING! We have a winner.
  7. Yeah... those 50 SEALS will repel the Chinese invasion. The SEALS are bad, but they aren't that bad my friend.
  8. The Caribbean sucks. The French and Dutch can have it.
  9. You mean they haven't already? Dang.
  10. Like all of the other BS he has plastered this board with, this thread is nothing more than an attempt to get a rise out of people and in turn... attention.
  11. Sorry to hear you had a bummer of a night Steve. Maybe next year you won't turn down your evite to the Neverland Ranch Halloween bash.
  12. Brewskeeter united the Korean Olympic teams.
  13. Follow up to that story: The Dean invites billsfanmiami(oh) to San Francisco for the weekend. They hang out in the Castro and have a gay old time.
  14. The funny thing about this soap opera is that McMurray and Kenseth don't like eachother, and I highly doubt Busch is going to peacefully coexist with Newman.
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