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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. A lot of people do it over on this side of the pond, but I have no idea why. It seems to me that it would come out pretty tasteless kind of like boiled chicken. We do ours on a rotisserie because the weather this time of year out here in the bay area allows us the opportunity to do as much.
  2. Hard to argue against Peyton, and I can't believe that you of all people left Tom Brady off that list. I kid... I kid...
  3. I don't think RW/TD will pay top dollar for a head coach. That coupled with Mariucci's popularity makes me think there's no way in hell TD would even bite.
  4. Throw it out, as unused oil can turn nasty after a few months on the shelf. I usually get five gallon juggs of canola for wings or whatever and I find quite often that it starts smelling bad after a month or two. Too mush air in the container I think.
  5. Sorry, but he'll either be in Oakland or Houston next year as HC.
  6. Does this mean we don't have to put up with that rediculous avatar anymore?
  7. I've always thought it to be boring out there in the midwest. No offense man, but I couldn't live without my truck, but that's out here in California where there is way, way too much to do. If I owned a 911 or a QX56 or whatever (never heard of that kind of car, but it must be something nice) I think I would have to shower and change clothes before I even got into it. I guess it would really impress the chicks though, so that on a superficial level would be cool.
  8. Over 50 women need love too. Damn, I knew I should have went to the Saints game...
  9. Interesting take my friend, as you probably have not read one thing about this chick except for maybe the Maxim spread. She has an incredible attitude problem both inside the racecar and out, and it's that attitude of hers coupled with her entitlement complex that are going to be her biggest obstacles as she tries to advance her carrer. It's funny how she is only thought of as a female driver instead of as a rookie driver. Rookies never make mistakes, right? That chip on her shoulder is only going to get bigger and I can't wait until the day she has a PMS attack and explodes on some reporter Tony Stewart style. It's not a matter of if, but when. But what do I know? I'm only in my early thirties and according to folks like you, I can't possibly be able to read a woman. That fool can have her for all I care, as she's a !@#$ing headcase. Hooray, he got in her pants. Yippeeee!!!! Have fun with it while you can dumbass.
  10. I take cranberry sauce and mix it in with regular Philly cream cheese for use on bagels or turkey sandwiches. Good stuff man.
  11. What are the odds that TO's new team plays the Eagles on MNF next year? I'm thinking they're pretty damn good.
  12. Why in the hell did this post make me think of the Fibonacci Sequence?
  13. Let that poor bastard have that snatch. She has an attitude from hell and a small rack to boot. I wouldn't wish that chick on anyone.
  14. I may be weird, but sometimes I take a couple of pats of butter and put it on top of a NY straight off the grill.
  15. What the !@#$ is Genny Light? Say hi to Elliot Sadler for me bro...
  16. I'll actually respect him more as a GM if he sacks up and does this.
  17. I wonder what screen name he uses these days.
  18. I think what he's trying to tell you is that you talk too much sh-- about being a hero and such - at least more sh-- than any shiprider should. Yeah, you're out there doing your duty and we all resepct and appreciate that, but don't rub it in people's faces. Try having a little humility or modesty sometime bud...
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