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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. I think Mike Tice coaches the Raiders next year.
  2. Right on, I hope they don't have to re-weld the damn thing half way through... There's a good chance I'll see you guys Sunday. Been out of town every weekend since the Raider game.
  3. This explains all of the "we need a signature bridge in Buffalo" posts I've been seeing here lately: Congrats to the City of Buffalo and all of her citizens.
  4. Yes I understand that we were talking about advancement, and that's why I couldn't understand your asinine post. You couldn't help yourself and had to take a shot at the Republicans when the conversation was anything but political. Tom calls you on it before I had a chance to post and there you go with the whole song and dance about the injured troops and all, and play the emotion card. Slick move. So my question to you now is, who authorizes these huge re-enlistment bonuses for retention? Someone has to authorize it, so is it only the smart non-weapons systems Democrats that have the foresight in this matter? I don't know why I'm even going to bring this up, but what the fudge... My father was discharged in 1965 from the Air Force at the age of 27 for a heart condition he developed while on active duty. Seems he had an infection while stationed in Spain that left scar tissue on his aortic valve. From that point on it only closed 3/4 of the way until he had it replaced with an artifical valve in 1986. He got the run around way back then as well, but since my grandfather was an MD my father fought it and received full retirement benefits from then on. 1965... whose watch was that on, and what war were we fighting then? The point is, this sh-- has been going on forever and to flat out slander the Republicans like you chose to do is wrong. No biggie, you're just misinformed, and there's no harm in that. And by the way, you weren't scoring points with me earlier, I was referring to the other guys. Well except for VABills as I think he was only in this thread to pump himself up and try to impress the rest of us...
  5. What on earth possessed you to post this? You gained some serious credibility in this thread with the military guys, but just that fast you pissed it away. Way to go.
  6. PSYOPS at work, why is this news? The Iraqi media shouls model itself after the American media which models itself after Al Jazeera.
  7. I went there last year for opening day and the burnouts who run the joint couldn't even get the game on the set. I left about twenty minutes into the game and watched it at some other bar up the street. Hopefully they aren't as confused this year as they were last. I mean, how do you !@#$ up opening weekend? I should have been at Seau's.
  8. Whoa yourself now... Friggin homebrewing beer snobs...
  9. Can't we get him one of those cool ass Stephen Hawking voice boxes?
  10. Isn't that the area that Donahoe sails his yacht and has a beach house on some island? Coincidence perhaps?
  11. Bro, I would love to brag to the world that I had gotten a lapper in that thing. Trust me I would...
  12. It was. We were tailgating with some friends I had made at the FOE and up rolls this old transit bus painted solid black with with the windows all blacked out. Damn I thought I was at a Raider game until about twnety stippers in red garb all looking like Hooters chicks roll out of the thing handing out passes for lap dances after the game. I thought it was a novel enough idea at the time and kicked myself in the ass fo not thinking of something like that... I didn't know they were illegally selling booze out of the joint, so that's where they went wrong. To make a long story short, Eryn and I left the stadium early because of the crap we were taking from some of the Bucs fans, so we never returned to redeem our lap dance vouchers. Dammit. I wish I hadn't thrown that voucher out because I would have on ebay this AM.
  13. I'm surprised CentralVaBills hasn't posted in this anniversary thread yet. I thought the dude was having multiple orgasms throughout the course of the first one.
  14. Warm Springs is cool and so is the Mission, but other than that, Fremont is ghetto.
  15. You're a prick, but that is funny as hell and true. Prick.
  16. Well... at least he's not native Californian. Only out here would something that stupid get media run.
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