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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Californians really screwed the pooch when they passed Proposition 117 way back in the early 90s. This is a prime example of the myopic viewpoints these blue state douchebags take with them to the ballot box.
  2. Believe it or not, I have had a similar conversation with EM's Godfather - of all people. He lives out here in California and the whole thing started when he spotted me wearing my #80 to work one day. It was EM's biggest issue with the Bills - lack of consistency at QB.
  3. The only thing this thread lacks, well other than sanity, is a Marshawn for Ryan Grant post...
  4. When did a dead alien wash up on shore? I must have been away from my computer that day.
  5. Josh Heupel could have saved this franchise...
  6. That one was fun. I don't know about you, but I'm a little jealous of our neighbors to the south this evening...
  7. Didn't catch it, but these are good too:
  8. I take it there are no issues using the iCal icon? Site looks great, nice job man.
  9. Yes he is...
  10. From what I understand, King did a show last year where he had a bunch of folks on some panel type arrangement and all they did was argue with each other as well. The problem is that he does these shows on the weekend of the big celebration down in Roswell, and he has too many competing egos on the set at one time. I haven't actually seen these shows, but this is what I have understood from listening to others who have watched them. The part about all of this that really sucks is that you have folks making a good living as 'Ufologists' and you have the same number of people making a good living as 'Skeptics'. In the end who do you believe? The answer is probably none of them, but there are a few guys out there that I will listen to on both sides of the argument. The rest are nothing more than opportunists.
  11. I've seen those shows too, and the incidents they describe remind me a lot of the WWII aircrew accounts of the 'Foo Fighters'. I just can't fathom a similar experience coming from something as small as a paint chip or an instantaneous flash in one's vision. It doesn't make sense to explain it away so simply. Again, I'm saying that some unknown craft followed our Apollo missions to the moon and back, I'm just saying that it wasn't a paint chip or a cosmic ray that these guys reported seeing.
  12. Why do you quote a Squid in your sig line? Are you guys settled in yet?
  13. This is absolutely the way to go.
  14. Where did you read this garbage? I'm not backing Mitchell's claims (except for his 'Roswell happened' statement), but bro, this post is ridiculous.
  15. I read something earlier that stated Dr. Mitchell made these same comments during a July 4th Larry King Live interview on CNN. It's kind of ironic that he would say the same thing on some obscure radio show three weeks later, and now the mainstream media decides to run with it. Weird... About a year ago the Walter G. Haut Affidavit* gained a little steam in the mainstream media, but not as much as it should have. In my opinion, this is a much bigger story than Dr. Mitchell's recent comments because Dr. Mitchell has been outspoken on this topic for years. While he was alive Walter Haut was anything but outspoken on this subject to either the public, or those closest to him. Here is Walter G. Haut's wiki page. *DISCLAIMER - I have no idea what the website I linked to containing the affidavit is all about. It was a product of a google search, and to the best of my knowledge the affidavit posted is word-for-word.
  16. Wow, the original post went right over my head, and I appreciate the time you spent to lay it all out for me. I hate to speculate here, but I think the original post has something to do with a couple of stereotypes. Just a hunch though... If you read into the quote at the end of the article it seems as if he is talking about bringing a minority driver up through the ranks of NASCAR. Again, I'm speculating, but just such a thing is what NASCAR needs so that ridiculous threads like this don't get started in the first place.
  17. What is your point? BTW - This is old news.
  18. There are a lot of Republicans who have a heart. The numbers show that Republicans give more to charity than Democrats, but that is simply because the Democrats want to outsource the care of society's less fortunate to the government. BTW - any person left of center who thinks Specter is a "republican scumbag" is clueless. He's on your team, not theirs. Get a clue before you pop off next time.
  19. RIP. This really sucks because I was going to see him speak at a local forum in March.
  20. Go crap on someone else's thread a-hole. "things that NASA has given me?" ME? You're nothing but a self-serving S.O.B.
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