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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Shockingly... I haven't seen a Jeff George thread yet. What gives?
  2. At least it's only 3-4 years baby! Can't wait for 2010!
  3. Maybe someone can nominate JP-era and all of his Simon-like drawerings. "Well, you know my name is JP-era and I like to do drawerings. I like to draw all day long so come and do drawerings with me. Come and do drawerings with me!"
  4. He's the franchise corner though.
  5. Two more = Anal Bifida.
  6. 2001 all !@#$ing over.
  7. I chose the none option because #1 is the only choice you offered that even remotely comes close to an option that isn't a shot at EM's character, abilities or professionalism. I mean come on man, why all the hate for the guy? He's been the backbone of this franchise for a good part of the last decade and now guys like you are dirtbagging him and that is lame. I mean seriously, take a fair and balanced look at your choices bro. First off, look at your quote. He's shown this year that he can still take control of a game, but I highly doubt it's whether 'he wants to' or not. It seems logical to think that he can only do as much when he's given the opportunity. JP doesn't give him that opportunity week in and week out, KH does.
  8. Let it die man. Let it die.
  9. Don't let the 10 AUG 05 date ruin a perfectly stupid thread...
  10. All bull sh--. The real Coach of the Year is Andy Reid. How you like them apples Mr. Rosenhaus?
  11. There's a lot to be said about third down backs. My favorite of all time was Todd McNair when he played for Kansas City. Third and long? No biggie... Fourth and long? No biggie. The dude just made it happen time and time again while Okoye and Word were sitting on the bench watching. Damn that was a fun offense to watch.
  12. That is the saddest human being I have ever seen.
  13. In short my friend - you are a dumbass for not paying the couple of hundred bucks a month to CYA in the event you get hurt when your hobbies include rock climbing and skiing. I mean come on... Congrats on becoming an entrepreneur and all, but you really should have had all your ducks in a row before striking out on your own. That being said, I dislocated my left shoulder in a dirtbike crash five weeks before I was getting called up to active duty. I rushed my PT and blew off the last few weeks of it in favor of going with my unit. Dumbass mistake on my part because my shoulder clicks all the friggin time now and I just hope that I don't have to have surgery on it later on down the line. They told me that I would have an 80% chance of dislocating it again someday just because it happened the first time. Separations are much worse and I hope you have some left over vicadin from the June accident. If not, drink heavily like you said. From one dumbass to another, I would pay the six or seven thousand and get it taken care of sooner rather than later.
  14. I'm sure it was the funny headline angle that they were taking with this one. I highly doubt that the blood test was driven by the fact that all birds of prey are protected species and if you harm one, you are in some deep sh--. Ever get outdoors much? My Webpage
  15. My Webpage
  16. Not everyone, just CantralVABills.
  17. I realize that, I just don't want you to put youself in the company of people from our 19th state. You would live to regret that, trust me.
  18. Right on, thanks.
  19. You give yourself too much credit.
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