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Everything posted by boomerjamhead

  1. Right on. I'll be at The Brickyard this year and can't wait.
  2. Is this going to turn into an Alex Gibbs for HC thread?
  3. Although I agree with what you are saying, the Broncos have a recent history of drafting running backs on day one. Portis, Bell, Clarette.
  4. They yapped it up about a bunch of stuff, but then they brought up the possibility of Denver trading with Miami for Ricky Williams. Can you imagine that?
  5. What if they already quasi-interviewed Jerry Gray?
  6. Hasn't that response kinda jumped the shark these days?
  7. Dude, monkeys in diapers are cool as avatars. Keep it real.
  8. Will they finally talk Modrak into taking the post?
  9. This job belongs to Ted Cottrell now.
  10. Yeah, that way he can go show up a bucnh of born agains and put them in thier places. Equal wastes of time IMO.
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